
Pastor Longman Call Info

UPDATE: On September 22, Pr. Longman announced that he has been led to return (decline) the Call. His announcement letter is shown below, following the original announcement.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Last week I received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church and School in Marietta, Georgia. That means that I now have two Calls: one here at Holy Trinity, and one to serve at Faith. Obviously, I can’t do both, so what lies ahead over the next few weeks is a time of prayer and discernment.

It is important that you know this: I did not seek out this Call. I love this place, I love the work we’re doing together, and I love you. I’m not looking to go anywhere. But in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, congregations drive the Call process, and the option exists to Call pretty much any pastor at any time. 

Donna and I will visit Faith Lutheran in mid-September to learn more about the congregation and get an idea of how they think my gifts and abilities fit into the ministry there. We will be praying fervently, and ask for your prayers for clarity and direction as well. Proverbs 15:22 says “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” You are among the advisers that I will count on to help me with my deliberations, and I invite you to visit with me to share your perspectives and come alongside me in prayer. 

I will reach a decision on this by September 22 and will announce to both congregations at that time. Always remember that this is Christ’s Church, and that He will lead and direct all things for the good of His Bride. Please join me in prayer:

Lord God, Heavenly Father, You have created the Church and You raise up pastors and church workers to carry out Your mission through her. We ask for clarity and guidance at this time. Be with our brothers and sisters at Faith Lutheran Church and School in Marietta, Georgia, and be with us. Give us comfort and peace in the midst of uncertainty, and help us to see Your will in all of this. In all things, we pray that more and more people would come to know You and the salvation You offer through Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.

In HIS Service,
Pr. Longman

(Below is Pr. Longmans’s response, Dated September 22, 2024)

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

As I have announced and made you aware over the course of the last few weeks, I received a Divine Call to serve as Sole Pastor at Faith Lutheran Church and School in Marietta, Georgia. After much prayer, many conversations, and a whole lot of deliberation, I have been led to return (decline) the Call and to remain here at Holy Trinity.

This was an exceptionally difficult decision. As you have probably heard, Faith is a congregation where we had deep ties; Donna grew up there and attended the school, and her parents were members at Faith for decades. We were actually married at Faith in 1991. My gifts, talents, and abilities would fit well there, and I could see why they extended the Call to me.

At the same time, I believe there is more for us to do together here at Holy Trinity. OzarksGo is in the middle of construction on a project that I’ve been involved with for over a year; we’re potentially launching into a larger renovation project; and Pr. Mike and I are just getting our feet underneath us in this team ministry. As somebody mentioned to me, there is momentum here at Holy Trinity that would be impacted by a change in pastoral leadership.

As you might imagine, this will be a hard day at Faith Marietta. They will go back to their Call Process and seek God’s guidance for what’s next, and I have no doubt He has prepared something amazing for them. I will be keeping Faith Marietta in my prayers, and I encourage you to do the same.

Thank you for your prayers throughout this process, and for the insights so many of you have shared with both me and Donna. We are truly blessed to serve alongside you in this remarkable congregation. To God be the glory, forever and always.

In HIS Service,
Pr. Longman



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On Sunday, April 16, we announced at the end of worship that Rev. Mike Meyer has accepted the Call to serve as Associate Pastor of Youth and Families at Holy Trinity! We give thanks and praise to God for raising up our new Associate Pastor, and we pray for Pr. Meyer and his family as they work through their transition in the coming weeks. We also keep our brothers and sisters in Christ at The ROCK in our prayers as they begin the Call process for their next pastor.

Pr. Meyer’s last Sunday in Seward is planned for May 21, and he will join us here in Rogers shortly thereafter. We anticipate an installation service in early June, and will announce the specifics once that gets firmed up. To God be the glory in all things!

Here’s Pr. Meyer’s acceptance letter:

Dear Members of Holy Trinity congregation:

Thank you for your patience and your prayers in this Call process.  The whole process enables us both as pastor and congregation to seek the will of God to be revealed in our lives.  It helps us to carefully and prayerfully examine our part in the body of Christ, as all of us have the privilege of carrying out the mission that Jesus has given to His Church.

This Call has been for me like a game of tug-of-war.  One day I’m pulled to stay at The ROCK, and the next pulled to go to Holy Trinity.  For weeks, people on both sides have been praying for their “team” to win, and yet, when we look at all this from God’s perspective—both win—because it’s always been His game.  Both churches have a part to play and a game plan to execute.  Our problem is that we sometimes forget to see things from God’s perspective.

As I looked over your Mission statement graphic, it’s clear to me that your desire is to connect people to the Savior of the world by SPREADING His grace, GROWING in Christ together, and CARING for others.  You place a high value on relationships.  Both relationships with God, through faith in Christ Jesus…and relationships within the family of faith, as well as, those not yet in a faith relationship.  I pray that would remain your heart’s desire this side of heaven!

So…I suppose you’re waiting for the decision to which God has led us.  We believe that God has clearly led us to ACCEPT the Call and join you in the mission that He has given Holy Trinity—to SPREAD God’s grace, GROW in Christ, and CARE for others.

Finally, I pray that God will richly bless all of His ministry…at Holy Trinity and at The ROCK…in the days to come.  Please continue to pray for us that our transition to NW Arkansas would be smooth.  We will look forward to getting to know you and working in God’s ministry with you.

Peace be yours in Jesus,
Michael J. Meyer, Pastor

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