October 8, 2017
INSTALLATION AT FAITH, BENTONVILLE The members of Holy Trinity are invited to join the people at Faith Lutheran Church in Bentonville this afternoon at 4:00 PM as they install Rev. Neil Vanderbush as their new pastor. Pastor Vanderbush and his wife Holly served their vicarage at Faith. He then planted Messiah Lutheran Church in Pea Ridge as a mission of Faith Lutheran.
HELPING HANDS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The next day for our congregation to support Helping Hands is this Saturday, October 14th. Helping Hands is a congregation-supported organization that sells donated goods in order to buy food and cover other expenses for those in need. They routinely provide food for nearly 100 families a day and they need our help to support this important community effort. A sign up sheet is available in the Narthex, or you can contact Dave Ferguson for more information.
TRUNK OR TREAT The sign up sheet is up for trunks and the Education Team is getting exciting! Remember that decoration isn't required but we do have prizes for the three best decorated trucks so start looking for cool ideas and deals to make your trunk the best!
THE LUTHERAN HOUR Today on KURM (790 AM) at 12:30 P.M. & The Bott Radio Network at 8 A.M. on 89.3 F.M“No Selfies Needed” Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz. God isn’t afraid of messy people. He loves the broken, embraces the outcast, and seeks the lost. (Philippians 4:4-14)
9:30-10:30 A.M. – Pastor Besel is leading a video study on “A Man Named Martin” in Classroom 1
9:30-10:30 A.M. – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God. Study is led by Libby Garner and meets in the Conference Room.
9:30-10:30 A.M. – Dave Lehenbauer
leads a study for the men in Classroom 2 on “Fatherhood.”
Monday 2nd & 4th Mondays at 2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer Rotating Hostesses: Herb & Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Dolores Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh, Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen
Tuesday.. 1st & 2nd (October Only) Tuesdays at 2:00 pm, Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study
PORTALS OF PRAYER The new issue of Portals of Prayer is available in the Narthex. Please help yourself to as many copies as you can use. Feel free to take some to give to other people as well.
NEW WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY STARTS NEXT SUNDAY On October 15th the Women's Bible Studywill start a new study, THE PATRIARCHS: ENCOUNTERING THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB, by Beth Moore. The study has both DVDs and a workbook. Workbooks can be purchased at LifeWay Christian Store.
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) Our classes are overflowing. We are trying to reach as many students as possible, but find we could really use a couple of individuals to help us out. Spanish language skills would be helpful, but are not necessary. If you are available Monday and/or Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., please call Peggy Jones at (479) 633-2050.
Will meet the second Tuesday of the month, October 10th at 2:00 P.M. This change is only for the month of October. Schedule will be back to normal in November (1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 2:00 P.M.) The Bernthals will be in Florida for the last half of the month.
Packing for Operation Christmas Child will be happening mid- November so bring in any shoe boxes you have around and keep your eyes open for great deals on gift ideas. Extra copies of the list of suggested items are available in the Narthex.
TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH OPEN HOUSE All are invited to the Lutheran Camp on Petit Jean for an open house at the historic Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday, Oct. 15 at 5 p.m. The second and final phase of the historic restoration of the church is nearly complete. The church, which sits on the camp property, was built in 1886. Fellowship and refreshments will follow in the camp dining hall, along with a report on other changes at the Lutheran Camp. Those planning to attend are asked to call or email ahead of time so there is plenty of food: director@lutherancamp.org; 501-652-6304.
LUTHER QUOTE FOR THE WEEK .. The sum of this Gospel then is: Love and necessity control all law; and there should be no law that cannot be enforced and applied in love. If it cannot, then let it be done away with, even though an angel from heaven had promulgated it. All this is intended to help and strengthen our hearts and consciences. In this way our Lord himself teaches us how we should humble ourselves and be subject one to another. (Church Postils, Trinity 17)
LIFE QUOTES: ““Why do we strive to protect tiny embryos in Petri dishes or frozen in a fertility clinic? Because they are created, redeemed, and little ones whom God wants to call.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutherans For Life. If you wish to support this group, go to their web site : www.lutherans for life.org
DISTRICT PASTORS CONFERENCE Pastor Besel will be attending the Mid-South District Pastors’ Conference in Memphis from Wednesday through Friday. If you are in need of Pastoral Care, please call Cameron, your elder, or Pastor Bernthal.
COME TO ISRAEL You are invited to join our group going to Israel March 20th – 30th, 2018. We have 23 people going and there is plenty of room for you to come. On the bulletin board in the Narthex there are packets that include the Itinerary, hotel information and pricing. This is an all-inclusive trip and we will be visiting all of the major sites. If you have any questions about the trip or would like to join us please contact Pam Pickett 479-601-2550 or at pamsue27@gmail.com
LWML FALL ZONE RALLY will be Saturday, October 14, 2017, beginning with registration and refreshments at 9:00 a.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 2730 E. Township Road, Fayetteville. The theme is “Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Guest speaker is Eric Jensen. Please RSVP to Barbara
Osing 479-521-5291 by October 4th.
October 8 through October 14, 2017
Worship 8:00 A.M.
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Handbell Choir 9:30 A.M.
Worship 10:45 A.M.
Installation of Pastor Vanderbush 4:00 P.M.
at Faith, Bentonville
Cameron’s Day Off
ESL 6:30 P.M.
Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study 2:00 P.M.
Council Meeting 6:30 P.M.
News and Notes Due 12:00 P.M.
ESL 6:30 P.M.
Choir Rehearsal 6:30 P.M.
Praise Group Rehearsal 7:30 P.M.
Pastor Besel at District Pastors
Conference in Memphis 10/11-10/13
Pastor’s Day Off
Helping Hands
Communion 8:00 A.M.
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Communion 10:45 A.M.
Circuit Church: Faith Bentonville: Pray for God’s blessing on the Installation of Rev. Neil Vanderbush this afternoon and on his ministry at Faith.
Church Ministry: Church Office Staff – Pray God for His guidance and blessings on those who seek to serve Him in this ministry and pray that visitors to Holy Trinity will see Jesus reflected in the faces of the staff.
Pray also for our Military: Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard.. Also, remember, Timothy Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.