March 12th, 2017
WELCOME This morning we are welcoming into our congregation Charles and Natalie Scott and their children Holland and Liam during the 10:45 service. We are receiving them by transfer from Peace Lutheran Church in Texarkana, Arkansas. We are also welcoming Bruce Pilcher by Reaffirmation of Faith during the 8:00 service.
LENTEN SUPPER Join us this Wednesday, March 15th from 5:45-6:30pm for a meal before our Wednesday evening service. This week’s meal will be homemade chili with all the fixin’s and is sponsored by the Music Ministry team. All donations collected at the meal will be given to the Office of Human Concern in Rogers.
GIRLS LUNCH OUT Is scheduled for March 16th at Mimi’s at the Promenade beginning at 11:30am. Sign up sheet is in the Narthex so sign up and come join us for a great time of food, and fellowship !!
MENS BIBLE STUDY has just completed their study on Prayer and are beginning a new class on “ How To Study The Bible.” Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. in room six.
Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "The Power of a New Beginning!” Speaker: Dr. Gregory Seltz
Real help comes to us from the outside. In Christ, new beginning and greater endings are still possible.
(John 3:1-17)
9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading
Study of Mark in Classroom 1.
9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer
is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.
9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.
Monday 2nd & 4th Mondays at
Rotating Hostesses: Herb &
Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores
Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,
Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led
By Vern Schaefer
Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm
Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class
WORK DAY COMING Mark your calendars and plan to join us on April 1. The Journeymen and Trustees are joining forces for a work day here at the church. There are many jobs including landscape work and painting. Lunch will be provided.
FEED MY SHEEP Thank you to everyone that made a donation to the pantry last Sunday. We appreciate your generosity !
CONNECTIONS CLASS Pastor Besel is considering starting a new Connections Class at the end of this month. He is looking at two options, one on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour or secondly, on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM. The class is for people who want to join Holy Trinity, or as an orientation class for new members, or for people who want to review the basics of our Christian faith. If you are interested in this class, please sign up on the bulletin board in the hall by Pastor’s office. Mark if you are interested in Sundays or Thursdays. If both will work for you, please check both. He will make a decision by next week if there is enough interest to have a class.
LIFE QUOTES “What do we teach our little children so that when they are older, sexual promiscuity and abortion will be unthinkable? They are very special because they are created, redeemed, and called.”
*Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutheran For Life*
If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:
TO THINK ABOUT … Christ died – that’s history. Christ died for us – that’s Christianity. Christ died for me – that’s salvation.
TRIP TO ISRAEL Have you had the desire to go to the Holy Land? A trip is being put together by Pam Pickett to go to Israel! The details are not all set but we will be going March 20th-29th, 2018 for 9 days plus/minus travel days. I am in the planning stages so the exact itinerary is not set but all of the major sites will be included. I know the first question you will have is, what is the cost? An estimate at this time is $3,500 per person. This will include, airfare, ground transportation, hotels (4 star hotels), food, site fees, tips – everything except travel insurance and personal shopping purchases. If this number changes it will go down, not up. For example, the larger the group the cheaper the price. If you are interested in going on the trip please let me know. I am gathering a list of people who have interest in order to work with the tour company to finalize prices. I would like to keep this to about 20 people. This will be a teaching tour, at each site we will tie in everything we see to the Bible. My goal is to deepen your personal relationship with God, by coming closer through the land and people of Israel. Thank you, Pam Pickett pamsue27@gmail.com479-601-2550.
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.
But, oh how painful it is to nature reason, that this Canaanite woman shoud strip herself and forsake all that she has experienced, and cling alone to God’s bare Word, until she experienced the contrary. May God help us in time of need and deathe to possess such courage and faith!
(Church Postils, Reminscere)
Someone Who is For You
Some years ago, David Seamands, a Kentucky pastor, told a group of ministers who he had counseled a young woman who was dying. She was not a church member. In fact, she had lived rather loosely, even shamefully, and she knew it. Now that death was staring her in the face, she was feeling guilty. Dr. Seamands listened as she sobbingly confessed her sins to her. When it appears she was finished, the pastor said to her in a very gentle manner, “I want you to know that God is not against you for your sins. God is for you against your sins.”
Mar.12th-Mar. 19th, 2017
Worship 8:00am
Bible Classes/Sunday School 9:30am
Handbell Choir 9:30am
Worship 10:45am
Cameron’s Day Off
ESL (Classroom 2) 6:30pm
Council Mtg. 6:30pm
Lent Service 10:00am
News and Notes Due 12:00pm
Staff Meeting 12:00pm
Mission Crafts 3:00pm
ATG 4-7:00pm
Confirmation Class 4:30pm
Lent Supper 5:45pm
ESL(Classroom 2) 6:30pm
Lent Service 7:00pm
Pastor @ Support Group/Eurkea 9am-2pm
Girl’s Lunch Out@ Mimi’s 11:30am
Pastor’s Day Off
Assemble Bulletin 1:00pm
Communion 8:00am
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30am
Handbell Choir 9:30am
Communion 10:45am
Circuit Church: Christ, Siloam Springs: Pray that the Lord continues to Connect people to Christ, and help us grow in our faith challenges, and Service to the King.
Church Ministry Team: Music Ministry Team: Take the Music Ministry and use all for Your glory, Lord. Please strengthen and preserve us to finish the season of Lent with our hearts and minds focused on You as we present our humble offering to You. Thank You for Your sacrifice, love and grace.
Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force. Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.