April 9th, 2017
PALM SUNDAY TODAY The service will begin in the Narthex and we will process into the Sanctuary as part of the service.
7:00am- Sunrise Service With Communion
8:15am- Easter Breakfast
9:30am- Easter Egg Hunt/Education Hour
9:30am- Handbell Choir
10:45am-Easter Celebration Service With Communion
EASTER CANDY WANTED Just a reminder that TODAY is the last day to turn in Easter candy that will help fill the plastic eggs for our little ones. Leave your donations with Cameron, Cathy Dodge, or Eric Kerr. Thanks to all who have already donated.
EGG STUFFING ‘PARTY’ Want to help the Education Ministry team prepare for the upcoming Egg hunt? We will be ‘stuffing’ the eggs on Thursday April 13th @ 5:30pm before the Maundy Thursday service that evening. We will have pizza for the volunteers so please RSVP to Cameron so we can get a count for the pizza order. The Egg Hunt is scheduled for EASTER SUNDAY. Thank you for your continued support !
THE LUTHERAN HOUR Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. “Humble Strength For Eternal Salvation” Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory SeltzOn Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, not to set up an earthly kingdom but to overcome sin and death—for us.
(Philippians 2:5-11)
9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading
Study of Jonah in Classroom 1A.
9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.
9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer
is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.
9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.
Monday 2nd & 4th Mondays at
2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer
Rotating Hostesses: Herb &
Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores
Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,
Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen
Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm
Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class
SPECIAL THANKS To those who contributed so generously towards the food pantry this past Sunday. We appreciate your generosity!
JONAH BIBLE STUDY Begins TODAY in Classroom 1A and willbe led by Pam Pickett and is open to everyone in the congregation. There is so much more to the story than Jonah being swallowed by a big fish and spit out. We will look at how Jonah’s behavior isn’t so different than our own sometimes. Please feel free to join us!
MAUNDY THURSDAY We will be celebrating communion this Thursday at 10:00am and 7:00pm for Maundy Thursday. We will be continuing the series on the Parables of Lent with the Parable of the Great Banquet.
GOOD FRIDAY We will remember the death of Jesus this Friday with a special Tenebrae Service of Darkness at 7:00pm. The message will be based on the Parable of the Landowner.
EASTER BREAKFAST Will be served Next Sunday and is our Youth’s annualfundraiser to help support our ministries here, fellowship events, and our trek to the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering. As usual we ask members of our church to donate the supplies we need to put on the breakfast and you will find the donation slips on a board in the Narthex. Please take what you can andhave the supplies back by or before Good Friday, as we prepare certain things that Saturday. Thank you for your continued support of our youth group!
CONFIRMATION PARENTS Just a reminder that grades are ready after our second grading period. Please schedule a Pastor/Parent/Student conference with Pastor Besel in the near future. Thanks.
Therefore, he who is under this king cannot be harmed either by sin, death, hell or Satan. As his king who lives without sin and is blessed, so must he be kept forever without sin and death in living blessedness. See such great things are contained in these seemingly unimportant words: “Behold your king!”
(Church Postils, Advent 1)
LIFE QUOTES “If you have ever done anything wrong or missed doing something perfectly, then you are not truly perfect, and you are going to die. It would be without God, but Jesus takes that weight and sentence off your record. Onto His own shoulders. Anyone who wants forgiveness from God, peace with Him, Paradise opened—just look at Jesus. Everyone who looks on the Son and believes in Him should have eternal life.” (John6:40) *Rev.Chris Cordes- St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota* If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site: www.lutheransforlife.org
“We live and die; Christ died and lived!” ~ John Stott
Spread the News!
I simply argue that the cross be raised again
at the center of the marketplace
as well as on the steeple of the church.
I am rediscovering the claim that
Jesus was not crucified in a cathedral
between two candles
but on a cross between two thieves;
on the town garbage heap,
at a crossroad so cosmopolitan
that they had to write His title
in Latin and in Hebrew and in Greek.
At the kind of place where cynics talk smut
and thieves curse and soldiers gamble:
Because that is where He died
and that is what He died about
and that is where Christians ought to be
and what Christians ought to be about.
-- George McLeod
April 9th-16th, 2017
Worship 8:00am
Bible Classes/Sunday School 9:30am
Handbell Choir 9:30am
Worship 10:45am
Council Packet Information Due Noon
Cameron’s Day Off
ESL (Classroom 2) 6:30pm
Council Meeting 6:30pm
News and Notes Due 12:00pm
ATG 4-7:00pm
Confirmation Class 4:30pm
ESL (Classroom 2) 6:30pm
Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm
Praise Group Rehearsal 7:30pm
Communion 10:00am
Egg Stuffing Party 5:30pm
Communion 7:00pm
Pastor’s Day Off
Assemble Bulletin 1:00pm
Tenebrae 7:00pm
Sunrise Service With Communion 7:00am
Easter Breakfast 8:15am
Easter Egg Hunt 9:30am
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30am
Handbell Choir 9:30am
Easter Celebration Service 10:45am
With Communion
Circuit Church: LIVING SAVIOR, BETHEL HEIGHTS: Pray that God would guide the outreach of the congregation and the assimilation of new members.
Church Ministry Team: OFFICE STAFF: Pray that our hearts are always compassionate to those we serve on a daily basis and that God would bless our outreach to the community through the Food Pantry and Pastor’s Care Fund.
Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force. Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.