May 21st, 2017
ALL CHURCH ATGWill be held today after the second service. Come join us for an event for every age! There will be games, good food, and a time of study. Your never to old to join in on the shenanigins that we have planned!
BAPTISM TODAY Today we are pleased to welcome Rosalie Marie Alden into God’s family through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism during the 10:45 service. Rosalie is the daughter of Clell and Rachel Alden. Her sponsors and god-parents are Nick and Casey Chastain and Ed and Jennifer Winant.
PASTOR BERNTHAL’S BIBLE STUDY POTLUCK is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, the 23rd at noon. Bring something to share and join in on the great food and fellowship as this will be the last Bible study before we take a break for the summer.
SPECIAL THANK YOU To Connie and David Heintz, Karen Launderville, Leyland and Dolores Hermes who helped unload and sort over 70 bags of groceries that we received from the Postal Office Food Drive. This huge task could not of been done without your assistance and we certainly appreciate your help! ~Kim & Krista~
THE LUTHERAN HOUR Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM.
“Comfort In The Spirit Of Our Sights”
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz
To be the people of God created us to be, we must be connected to His power, to His word, by His Spirit.. (John 14:15-21)
9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading
Study of Galatians in
Classroom 1A.
9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.
9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer
is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.
9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.
Monday 2nd & 4th Mondays at
2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer
Rotating Hostesses: Herb &
Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores
Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,
Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen
Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm
Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class
CHURCH OFFICES will be closed next Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day.
TO THINK ABOUT: “If you witness to anyone about Christ, it will have to be while you are on earth.”
GRADUATES Congratulations to Jacob Byrd who graduated from Rogers’ New Technolgy High School on Wednesday and Courtney Gutche who graduated from Bentonville High School on Saturday morning. We pray that God will richly blessings on the future. Please let the church office or Pastor Besel know if youor your student is graduating from High School or College this year.
BABY BOTTLES We are again supporting Loving Choices this year as they help people choose life instead of abortion. Take a Baby Bottle home, fill it with change (or dollars or checks), and bring it back by Father’s day.
SUMMER YOUTH FLOAT TRIP Is happening on June 3rd. Does the fear of all that summer heat get you down? Come cool off on a float trip here in NWA. Duane Wright will be guiding us down the river for the better part of Saturday. Make sure to bring a lunch and sunscreen. Life jackets and water vessels will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. Contact Cameron or Duane to arrange transport. Please RSVP as space may be limited. Open to 6th-12th grade youth.
The youth are heading to the Samaritan Center to pack SnackPacks for kids on June 6th @ 6:00pm. If you would like to join us and help make a difference in our community, please let Cameron know so we can get an accurate count.
SWEET SUMMER STUFF – YOUTH: Are you ready for summer? Throughout the summer on Thursdays we will have various activities and it all starts June 1st at 5:00pm with a game and BBQ night at the Pullmann house. Let Cameron know you are coming so we have enough food for everyone and be on the lookout for more Sweet Summer Stuff!
For you can point me to no true saint who prayed, depending on his own worthiness, and did not rely upon God’s promises, be he Peter, Paul, Mary, Elijah, or anyone else. All of them have been unworthy. I would not give a nickel for all the prayers of a saint if he prayed because of his own worthiness! (Church Postils, Rogate)
The Education team would like to thank those who are in charge of a Bible study, Ministry team, or Activity group for your service! Cameron and the Education team have been tasked with the evaluation of how many of our members are involved in a fellowship group at Holy Trinity. It is part of a goal within our three year plan. If you could please report to the Education team the names of the members of your group who have attended within the year 2017 we would really appreciate it. Thank you.
MISSION CRAFTSWould like to thank whomever it was that gave a sizeable donation recently to Mission crafts. We were desperately in need of supplies to make scripture books so it was a Blessing to receive this gift. Thank you from my heart. ~Mary Girshner~
Are you ready for an action packed Vacation Bible School! This years theme is “ Maker Fun Factory”-Created by God, Built for a Purpose.” It is looking like it is going to be a blast and the Education team is asking for your help. If you are interested in what roles are available, talk to Cameron or the Ed team and we will get you connected. There will also be a VBS planning and information meeting on JUNE 4th in the Chapel after second service.
LIFE QUOTES “We cannot be uncreated, unforgiven, unaccepted, unreconciled, unbaptized, unjustified, or uncalled anymore than Jesus can be unborn, uncrucified, or unresurrected. His rising again and ascending into Heaven ensures that His cross atonement will align and assimilate everything, and sooner into Christ’s kingdom of forgiveness through Holy Baptism.” -Rev. Jonathan Conner, Zion Lutheran Church, Manning, Iowa – If you want to support Lutherans For Life, you may do so through their web site:
May 21st-28th, 2017
Communion 8:00am
Bible Classes/Sunday School 9:30am
Handbell Choir 9:30am
Communion 10:45am
All Church ATG Immediately
Following Second Service
Cameron’s Day Off
ESL (Classroom 2) 6:30pm
News and Notes Due 12:00pm
Staff Meeting 12:00pm
ATG 4-7:00pm
ESL (Classroom 2) 6:30pm
Pastor’s Day Off
Assemble Bulletin & Clarion 1:00pm
Worship 8:00am
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30am
Handbell Choir 9:30am
Worship 10:45am
Circuit Church: HOLY TRINITY, ROGERS: Pray that God will bless our summer as we SPREAD God’s Grace, GROW in Christ. And CARE for others.
Church Ministry Team: YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM: Pray for encouragement for all youth as they finish the school year. Pray for strength for those who have graduated and are preparing for college.
Pray also for our Military: Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force. Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.