November 4, 2018

FEED MY SHEEP   Today is the Sunday designated for our monthly donation to the Food Pantry.  Please drop your groceries in the wagon in the Narthex.  Thank you for your continued help with feeding our less fortunate neighbors.

 NEW MEMBER   We want to welcome the following new member into our congregation during the 10:45 service today.  Through the Sacrament of Baptism we welcome Jameson Ray Fredrick, the infant son of Matthew and Rachel Fredrick.  Welcome.

HOLY TRINITY ANGEL TREE  is now set up and ready to go for the Christmas season for those in need through the Salvation Army.  We have 10 tags for boys and girls and 10 tags for Senior adults.  Please help us make a special Christmas for those in need in our community.  Contact Pat Rader @ 479-644-4153 with questions.

THANK YOU  The family of Stephanie Conner wishes to thank everyone for their kind words, prayers, and love at her unexpected passing.  Also, thanks for the food and the wonderful meal served prior to her service.

Brian Conner and kids, 

Charles and Debbie Wilken, 

Chris & Jeana Wilken and kids

THE LUTHERAN HOUR   Today on KURM (790 AM) at 12:30 P.M. & The Bott Radio Network at 8 A.M. on 89.3 F.M. “The Problem of Heaven" Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler What if we get to heaven-and we don't like it?



9:30-10:30 A.M. – Pam Pickett leads a study on Israel Places in Classroom 1 (not meeting today)

9:30-10:30 A.M Libby Garner leads a Beth Moore study for women in the Conference Room.

9:30-10:30 A.M Dave Lehenbauer

leads a study for the men in Classroom 2 on the book of Romans.

Monday   2nd & 4th Mondays at 2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer Rotating Hostesses: Herb & Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Dolores Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh, Maxine Reihman & Betty Jensen

Tuesday  2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class

GREETERS, READERS, VIDEO OPERATORS  The office is getting ready to schedule servers for Advent and Christmas.  Please let us know if you are AVAILABLE to serve.  Advent, Children’s Service, and Christmas Eve services are at 7:00 pm.  Christmas Day service is at 10:00 am (December 5, 12. 19, 24 and 25).   We are so thankful for all you do.

DECK THE HALLS   We need volunteers to help decorate the church for Christmas.  The tentative decoration date is Saturday, December 1st.  We will begin at 10:30am.  Decorating duties include (but are not limited to) fluffing bows and arrangements, sorting decorations, hanging decorations on the tree, attaching arrangements to the front of the pews, etc…  We also need one brave soul to go up the ladder and decorate the top of the tree.  When we have enough volunteers, this process is quick and easy – only lasting a couple of hours.  To volunteer, please contact Casey Bolte at (479) 644-3618. Thank you!!

OUTREACH OPPORTUNITY  Arkansas Children’s Hospital Northwest has a “Faithful Friends Program” administered through their chaplain – Scott Martin.  The goal of the program is to provide a stuffed animal (Faithful Friend) and a colorful story book to newly admitted patients each weekday morning.  During the Outreach Ministry Team’s survey, we mentioned collecting stuffed animals to support this program.  Unfortunately, due to a death in the family, we were not able to start the collection as soon as we had hoped.  We are starting NOW!  We will collect  NEW stuffed animals starting today through Sunday, November 18th.  Please place them in the Narthex below the mobile bulletin board with “OUTREACH” on it.  THANK YOU to all who donated immediately – those animals have already been given to the program as they were desperately needed.   If you have any questions, please contact Casey Bolte (479-644-3618) or Dave Lehenbauer (479-273-0213). 

LIFE THOUGHTS IN CHURCH    We get to love God not only in spirit but in the person of our neighbors (Mark 12:33). The same blood that makes Him our brother and us His children (Hebrews 9:12) also makes those around us into treasures and privileges. In protecting and providing for the least of these—uncertain parents, unresponsive patients, unborn embryos—the Kingdom Himself will never be far from us. Incarnate God, draw us into Your humility that our race be raised up. Amen. (Pentecost XXIV)

LIFE QUOTES   “How can we remain silent when life itself is in question? Standing firm and trusting in Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of life, and being willing to use our voices to speak up and share the truth about the value of human life are so very important as the world crumbles around us.”  

Virginia Flo, Lutherans For Life Regional Director of Minnesota –If you wish to support this organization, you can do so at the website: •

CONGRATULATIONS to Josh and LeAnn Girshner on the birth of their baby girl.  Welcome to Emberly Ann Girshner, born October 18th, 6 lbs 12 oz.  20 inches.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD  The national week of collection ends November 19th which means we need to start packing soon!  In the past, we’ve asked you to make bulk donations to be packed in the boxes and then a handful of us had a packing & wrapping party.  This year, in order to spread the fun of purchasing AND packing, we want YOU and YOUR FAMILY to take home a box or two.  Follow the instructions/suggestions on the handout and pack a box full of items YOU select!  Return the packed box(es) along with $9.00 per box for processing and shipping by Sunday, November 18th.  Because we are using the ‘official’ Operation Christmas Child boxes, there’s no need to wrap!!  Our goal is 100 boxes;  can you help us meet or exceed this goal??  If you have questions, please contact Cameron Pullmann. 

ANOTHER THANK YOU  I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone for the prayers for my Mom , for me, and for my family, during my Mom's illness and the aftermath of her death .The sympathy cards, phone calls, emails, and all the support were deeply appreciated. I, particularly, would like to thank, Elaine Taylor, who covered the office, and also Joyce Bauer, who helped her. I appreciate the time to make arrangements, to celebrate Mom's life, to grieve, and to get over the  flu.

 Love in Christ,

Krista Malone


November 4 through November 10, 2018


Communion                                                       8:00 A.M.

Bible Study/Sunday School                              9:30 A.M.

Handbell Choir                                                  9:30 A.M.

Communion                                                     10:45 A.M.


Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 1)                                            6:30 P.M.

Elder’s Meeting                                                 6:30 P.M


Education Team                                                5:30 P.M.


Staff Meeting                                                   12:00 P.M.

News & Notes Due                                          12:00 P.M.

ESL (Classroom 1)                                            6:30 P.M.


Assemble Bulletin                                             1:00 P.M.


Worship                                                             8:00 A.M.

Bible Study/Sunday School                              9:30 A.M.

Handbell Choir                                                  9:30 A.M.

Worship                                                           10:45 A.M


 Circuit Church–RESTORATION Fayetteville  Pray for those sowing and gathering as Restoration Lutheran Church.

 Church Ministry. Hispanic Ministry Team:  Dear Jesus, pray that we can spread Your message to our neighbors through a common language.

 Pray also for our Military:  Especially remember, Timothy Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.

