April 29, 2018
RESTORATION LUTHERAN SUPPORT BANQUET By now we hope you have heard all about Pastor Ziscke's much needed mission plant in Fayetteville and the Banquet the district is having to support his ministry on May 20th from 5-7 PM. What you may not know is that you are invited! Yes, that means you reader! There is no cost to attend, we would just ask you to be aware this is a support banquet where we will learn, in detail, about the ministry Pastor Ziscke is working on and be asked to support it financially. If you are interested, please speak with Cameron or the church office.
NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER The National Day of Prayer is this coming Tuesday. There is an insert with the News and Notes that has a prayer written for that day on the back. There are also some tri-fold Prayer Guides on the table in the Narthex. Help yourself to them. We have also decided to have the church open that day from 6 AM – 8 PM for people to come and pray as they desire.
MAYOR’S PRAYER BREAKFAST IS THURSDAY The Rogers’ Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast will be held this Thurday on the National Day of Prayer at Cross Church. The doors open at 6 AM with the Breakfast line opening at 6:30 AM. The Speaker is Governor Asa Hutchinson. Holy Trinity is again sponsoring a table. As of Wednesday, we had two seats still available. If interested, sign up on the bulletin board and see Pastor Besel to get your ticket(s).
THE LUTHERAN HOUR Today on KURM (790 AM) at 12:30 P.M. & The Bott Radio Network at 8 A.M. on 89.3 F.M “The Answer to Unhappiness” Guest Speaker: Rev. Michael Newman
What do you really want? What does your heart yearn for most? A blogger recently asked her readers the question: “if you could say in one word what you want more of in life, what would that be?” Can you guess the number one answer? It was happiness. (Acts 8:26-40)
9:30-10:30 A.M. Pam Pickett is leading a study of Acts in Classroom 1
9:30-10:30 A.M Women’s Bible Study entitled The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Study is led by Libby Garner and meets in the Conference Room.
9:30-10:30 A.M Dave Lehenbauer
leads a study for the men in Classroom 2 on “A man and his work.”
Monday 2nd & 4th Mondays at 2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer Rotating Hostesses: Herb & Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Dolores Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh, Maxine Reihman & Betty Jensen
Tuesday 2nd & 4th Tuesdays at 2:00pm Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study.
6:30 PM Pastor Besel is teaching the Living Disciple class in Classroom 1.
CONFIRMATION SUNDAY is next week. Addison Faust and Lizzie Gregory will be reaffirming their faith during the Rite of Confirmation during the 10:45 service next week. They will also be giving a testimony of their faith at 9:30 in the sanctuary. A reception for them will follow in the Life Center.
FEED MY SHEEP Next Sunday is a Feed My Sheep Sunday. We invite you to pick up a couple extra items for the food pantry as you do your grocery shopping this week and bring them for the yellow wagon. Or, consider a financial contribution to help us purchase food from the Food Bank. Thank you for your support.
GRADUATES We are putting together a list of those graduating from High School and college this Spring. If you have someone graduating in your family, please let Pastor Besel or the church office know which school they are at and when graduation is.
SUNDAY SCHOOL PARENTS OF K-5 CHILDREN: We will be learning "This Little Light of Mine" to sing at late service on Sun, May 20th. If you are interested in having your child(ren) sing with us, please have them attend Sunday School openings at 9:30am on the following Sundays: Apr 22nd, Apr 29th, May 13th, and May 20th. Contact LeAnn Girshner maestro_LMM@yahoo.com with any questions.
POST OFFICE FOOD DRIVE Every second Saturday in May, letter carriers in more than 10,000 cities and towns across America collect food donations from their postal customers, who participate in the NALC Stamp Out Hunger National Food Drive – the largest one-day drive in the nation. To donate, just place a box or can of non-perishable food next to your mailbox before your letter carrier delivers your mail on Saturday, May 12th. The carrier will do the rest. As part of this massive endeavor, Holy Trinity’s Food Pantry receives food donations from our friends at Rogers Post Office. However, we need help. On Monday, May 14th we need a driver with an open bed truck to pick up food from the Post Office. After receipt of donations, we need at least 6 – 8 volunteers at the church to help look for expired items, and to sort and stock food in our pantry. If you can help, a signup sheet has been posted in the Narthex, or if it is easier for you, just give the office a call at 636-1135. Your help is greatly appreciated.
LIFE QUOTES When we see the unborn vulnerable, helpless, destined for destruction—we are compelled to speak and defend and help. And not because it is the right thing to do or the moral thing to do, but because it is the Christ thing to do. His hands that were pierced and His body that died and rose again were formed in a womb, giving value to all who have resided there.” Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb. If you wish to support Lutherans for Life, you can through their web site: www.lutheransforlife.org
LIFE THOUGHTS IN THE CHURCH [A]part from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5b). This holds as true of any of us as it does of unborn or elderly individuals inhabiting life’s edges. “In this is love, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us” (1 John 4:10a). Rather than our accomplish-ments or qualifications, His creating, redeeming, and calling our entire race gives human beings significance. If God so loves us, we also get to love one another (4:11). God of truth and love, grant us so to know Your devotion that we also delight to show it. Amen. (Easter V)
An Old Farmer's Prayer
A visiting pastor was attending a men’s breakfast in farm county. He asked one of the impressive older farmers to say grace that morning. After all were seated, the older farmer began:
“Lord, I hate buttermilk.” The Priest opened one eye and wondered where this was going. Then the farmer loudly proclaimed, “Lord, I hate lard.” Now the Priest was really worried ... however without missing a beat, the old farmer prayed on, “And Lord, you know I don’t care much for raw white flour.” Just as the pastor was about to stand up and stop everything, the farmer continued: “But Lord, when you mix ‘em all together and bake ‘em up, I sure do love fresh biscuits. So Lord, when things come up we don’t like ... when life gets hard ... when we just don’t understand what You are sayin' to us, we just need to relax and wait ‘til You are done mixin’ ... and probably it will be somethin' even better than biscuits. Amen.”
April 29 through May 5, 2018
Worship 8:00 A.M.
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Handbell Choir 9:30 A.M.
Worship 10:45 A.M.
Cameron’s Day Off
ESL (Classroom 1) 6:30 P.M.
Confirmation Class 4:30 P.M.
Education Team 5:30 P.M.
Outreach 6:30 P.M
Staff Meeting 12:00 P.M.
News and Notes Due 12:00 P.M.
ESL (Classroom 1) 6:30 P.M.
Choir Rehearsal 6:30 P.M.
Praise Group Rehearsal 7:30 P.M.
THURSDAY – Church open for prayer 6 AM – 8 PM
Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast 6:00 A.M.
Youth Ministry Team 5:30 P.M.
Living Disciple Class 6:30 P.M.
Pastor’s Day Off
Assemble Bulletin 1:00 P.M.
Confirmation Breakfast / Rehearsal 9:00 A.M.
Communion 8:00 A.M.
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Confirmation Testimony / Reception 9:30 A.M.
Handbell Choir 9:30 A.M.
Confirmation / Communion 10:45 A.M
Circuit Church: Bella Vista Lutheran, Bella Vista: Pray that we Connect people to Jesus, Grow in our Faith, and Serve our King.
Church Ministry: Outreach Ministry Team: Dear God, bless the helping hands that serve You by helping others who are in need. Amen.
Pray also for our Military: Especially remember, Timothy Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.