September 2, 2018
COMMUNICANT MEMBER SURVEY Today is the target date for the return of the surveys. The call process is long and arduous, and the input from each of you is critical. There is a basket on the table which can be used for completed surveys, or you can drop it at the office or place in Bonnie Gust’s mailbox.
BEV LEHENBAUER FUNERAL The funeral for Bev Lehenbauer will be held at Holy Trinity at 7:00 pm this Thursday, September 6.
PRAYER PALS We really need a few more prayer pals for Head to Heart Confirmation this fall and spring. Talk to Cameron or the office if you are interested.
PINOCHLE CARDS We will be playing cards on Friday Sept. 7th. Play
will begin at 6:30 & hopefully some will be there at 6 pm to begin setting up. New comers are always welcome & we do have treats for the appetite.
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE resumes on Monday, September 10 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in Classroom 1. The group meets on Monday and Wednesday of each week. If you know of someone who could use these classes, please let them know of this outreach opportunity at Holy Trinity. Peggy Jones can answer any questions you may have. She can be reached at 479-633-2050.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR Today on KURM (790 AM) at 12:30 P.M. & The Bott Radio Network at 8 A.M. on 89.3 F.M. “Eager to Preach the Good News" Guest Speaker: Dr. Oswald Hoffmann--In a classic message from 1968, Dr. Oswald Hoffmann says, "The Good News (of Christ) is really good; good enough to believe, good enough to trust."(Romans 1:14-17)
9:30-10:30 A.M. – Pam Pickett leads a study on Israel Places in Classroom 1 (no class today)
9:30-10:30 A.M Libby Garner leads a Beth Moore study for women in the Conference Room.
9:30-10:30 A.M Dave Lehenbauer
leads a study for the men in Classroom 2 on “Connections.”
Monday 2nd & 4th Mondays at 2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer Rotating Hostesses: Herb & Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Dolores Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh, Maxine Reihman & Betty Jensen
GREETERS, READERS, VIDEO OPERATORS, COUNTERS, OFFICE HELPERS please check your Narthex mailboxes for your 4th Quarter schedules.
FEED MY SHEEP is today. Thank you for helping our pantry. If you forgot food, you can make a monetary donation at the wagon in the narthex.
BIBLE STUDY Pastor Bernthal's Bible Class begins on Tuesday, Sept. 11. It will regularly be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. The class is in Classroom 1 at 2 P.M.
MILITARY BIBLESTICKS Over the last several years, the members and friends of Holy Trinity have provided Military Biblesticks for 357 servicemen. These Biblesticks are only available through military chaplains. So far this year, churches have provided 120,000 Biblesticks for chaplains to give away. They currently have requests for 17,000 more at $25 each. There is a donor who is matching all the gifts in August and September. If you want to provide one or more, place your gift in the offering plate by September 16.
LIFE THOUGHTS IN CHURCH –– Life issues can present great temptations. The complications of surprise pregnancies pressure folks into adding to God’s Word. Infertility and terminal illnesses steer many toward subtracting from the Lord’s commands (Deuteronomy 4:2). Still, He who takes ownership of the inner life by His forgiveness also takes responsibility for the body’s survival by His resurrection. His presence and promises arm and guard against every threat (Ephesians 6:11). Good Shepherd and Guardian, give security to us and through us in Your words. Amen.
Amen.. (Pentecost XV)
SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDENTS will be singing "He's Got the Whole World" at late service on Sun., Sept. 30th. We will practice during Sunday School openings on Sept. 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th. Contact LeAnn Girshner with any questions.
CONFIRMATION SMALL GROUP GUIDES Cameron is looking for Small Group Guides for confirmation this fall. It is their role to lead a small group of students in a discussion on each week’s topic. For more details, please speak to Cameron Pullmann.
A NOTE FROM ANGIE HARTWIG The following note was received via our website: Hello! Please let the congregation know that the account was hacked and the hacker has control of it. If anyone has received an email from it, it was not from me. My new email is I am extremely grateful for this website ( as I listen to the sermons weekly. Wish I could attend in person there! I found a Missouri Synod Lutheran church here in Okinawa though. Take care and thanks to everyone for all the various ministries there. Angie. My address is. PSC. 557. Box 2223. FPO. AP. 96379. . Pray for me to completely surrender my life to Him and follow Him faithfully by the power of His Spirit be able to be courageous to share the gospel and to serve others...think of others more than of myself....and to set my mind on things above. Thanks. :)
LUTHERANS AND FRIENDS is the name for our newly registered and officially recognized LCMS Campus ministry and Registered Student Organization (RSO) at the University of Arkansas. It is Lutherans and Friends because it is open to both Lutheran students and their non-Lutheran friends. They will be meeting regularly at the Rock House on Dickson Street. For information, contact the President, John Barber at 417-366-2647 or at
LIFE QUOTES “We come together from all parts of our land … We come rich and poor, proud and plain, religious and agnostic, politically committed and independent … The right-to-life cause is not the concern of only a special few, but it should be the cause of all those who care about fairness and justice, love and compassion, and liberty with law.” Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson, MD If you wish to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:
GIDEON MINISTRY The Gideons are looking for businessmen who join them in their ministry of distributing God’s Word to people around the world. If you would be interested in becoming a Gideon, you can join them on October 2 at 6:30 at Temple Baptist Church in Rogers. For more information, contact Ted Jones at 479-636-7371 or
September 2 through September 8, 2018
Pastor on Vacation to Texas
Communion 8:00 A.M.
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Handbell Choir 9:30 A.M.
Communion 10:45 A.M.
Office Closed
Education Team Meeting 5:30 P.M.
Staff Meeting 12:00 P.M.
News & Notes Due 12:00 P.M.
Choir Rehearsal 6:30 P.M.
Praise Group Rehearsal 7:30 P.M.
Outreach Team Meeting 11:30 P.M.
Youth Ministry Team Meeting 5:30 P.M.
Bev Lehenbauer Funeral 7:00 P.M.
Pastor’s Day Off
Cameron’s Day Off
Assemble Bulletin 1:00 P.M.
Cards 6:30 P.M.
Communion 8:00 A.M.
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Handbell Choir 9:30 A.M.
Communion 10:45 A.M
Circuit Church –Peace, Prairie Grove Pray for the Lord’s leadership through their vacancy.
Church Ministry: Church Staff Pray that our hearts are always compassionate to those we serve on a daily basis and that God would bless our outreach to the community through the Food Pantry and Holy Trinity Care Fund.
Pray also for our Military: Especially remember, Timothy Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.