April 14, 2019

 April 14, 2019

Worship Service, Unity Sunday, [4/14] 10:00 AM (Pastor Hudak)

Maundy Thursday, Communion [4/18] 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM (Pastor Schultz)

Good Friday, [4/19] 7:00 P.M Service (Pastor Schultz)

Communion Service, Easter Sunday [4/21] 7:00 AM and 10:45 AM (Pastor Spencer)

HT Youth Easter Breakfast, [4/21] 8:15 A.M.

Worship Service, Sunday [4/28] 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM (Pastor Bernthal)

Communion Service, Confirmation Sunday, [5/5] 8:00 AM and 10:45 PM (Pastor Spencer)

Worship Service, Sunday [5/12] 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM (Pastor Schoolcraft)

Communion Service, [5/19] 8:00 AM and 10:45 PM (Pastor Schoolcraft)

Worship Service, Sunday [5/26] 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM (Pastor Hudak)

UNITY SUNDAY – APRIL 14  Reminder that today is a Unity Sunday with Education hour at 8:45am and one service at 10:00am. Following the service is a lunch and voters meeting.  Lunch will be provided by our youth as a fundraiser for the National Youth Gather. The menu is pork bbq or meatloaf with green beans and mashed potatoes, a chicken salad entrée, along with burger and chicken nugget options.

BIBLE CLASS CHANGE  Starting today, Pam Pickett’s class will be studying the book of Ruth.  If you are not currently in a Bible class please join us.  Ruth is a short book but has some really great things to teach us.  See you then!

THE LUTHERAN HOUR   Today on KURM (790 AM) at 12:30 P.M. & The Bott Radio Network at 8 A.M. on 89.3 F.M.  “He Loved Them to the End"
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
We are people of diverse backgrounds drawn together by Jesus. We want to share His life with you. (John 13/18/19)



9:30 A.M. Pam Pickett leads a study of Ruth.

9:30 A.M Libby Garner leads a Beth Moore study for women in the Conference Room.

9:30 A.M Dave Lehenbauer

leads a study for the men in Classroom 2 on the book of Romans.

Monday   2nd & 4th Mondays at 2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer Rotating Hostesses: Herb & Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Dolores Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh, Maxine Reihman.

Tuesday  2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


– Our Almighty Maker reserves the right and responsibility for decisions about life and death (Deuteronomy 32:39). Jesus has earned this authority by swallowing up death in His crucifixion. And He has proven Himself trustworthy in life-and-death matters by bringing forth joy even from sorrow in His resurrection. What a great relief! The times and terms of human lives and deaths rest securely in His loving and saving hand. (Palm Sunday)

 EASTER BREAKFAST Next Sunday, join us for breakfast in the Life Center starting at 8:15a. All proceeds go to support our youth and their trip to the National Youth Gathering. If you want donate food for this event, check the bulletin board in the narthex for donation slips.

 LIFE QUOTES  “This Sunday, the church [invites] the world to remem-ber the One who comes into the midst of a very fickle humanity—duplicity, defeat, violence, injustice, pain, and all. He comes near to good and bad intentions, near the ashes of what was meant to be honor, the ruins of attempts on our own. And despite our oscillating thoughts, despite the sin we cannot leave, He invites us into a disruptively different sort of story of defeat. The Son has made his triumphal entry. And yet He comes to bring us the cross, to the one sacrifice that speaks to the world’s pain.” Jill Carattini, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries – –If you wish to support this group, you may do so through their website: www.lutheransforlife.org

 HISPANIC MINISTRY needs your help! Want to make a difference in your community?  We do that.  Every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 English as a Second Language class for free to anyone who wants to come.  We have 13 students this semester and need your help ! Please contact Peggy Jones at 479-633-2050 if you have an hour or so to spare each week.  We can put you right to work!!

APRIL IS TORNADO AND SEVERE WEATHER AWARENESS MONTH  As part of a four-part Emergency Plan Series, the Holy Trinity Safety Team has designated April as Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness month. During this period, members of the congregation will be briefed on what to do during a weather emergency and will be provided instructions on the location of the designated tornado shelter area in the church. Instructional brochures will be provided for each family.

 In the future you will receive additional Emergency Plan instructions for Active Shooter, Medical Emergencies and Fires.  

 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE FOOD PANTRY  Krista Malone, our dedicated Office Assistant suffered a fall which resulted in a broken leg.  Krista’s orthopedic doctor reports that surgery will not be necessary, however it will be necessary for her to keep the leg immobilized in order for it to heal.  In order for the Food Pantry to remain open at our current level, we need volunteers for  Thursday, and Friday from Noon to 4 pm and on Tuesday from 9 am to 1 pm. You do not need to stay for the full 4 hours.  Any block of time will be helpful.  Times that we cannot find a volunteer to staff the pantry will mean closing our doors.  Please call or email Elaine or Cameron if you can help.

HELPING HANDS - Saturday, May 25th is the next volunteer event for Holy Trinity to support Helping Hands. This faith-based organization provides food for around 100 families each week and needs our help to run their store. If you can spare a few hours of time, you will be supporting a great cause and getting an extra discount on merchandise at the same time! Please sign up in the Narthex or see Dave Ferguson. 

 VISIT ISRAEL  Have you ever considered visiting the Holy Land?  I know that every person who has done so would encourage you to pray about it and to go.  In fact I can point out several people in our congregation who have been and can tell you all about it.  Why go?  It will deepen your faith in ways you cannot imagine.  When you read the Bible and it talks about places you can say I’ve been there.  You will be able to relate and understand in a new way.  I am leading another group to Israel January 15th – 26th, 2020.  An information packet is on the bulletin board in the Narthex or just contact me and I’ll be glad to give you a copy.  Pam Pickett 479-601-2550 pamsue27@gmail.com


April 14 through April 19, 2019

 TODAY (Unity Sunday)

Bible Study/Sunday School                              8:45 A.M.

Handbell Choir                                                  8:45 A.M.

Worship                                                           10:00 A.M.

Voter’s Meeting                                               11:30 A.M.

HYT Café                                                          12:00 P.M.


Cameron’s Day Off

Clarion Deadline                                             12:00 P.M.

ESL (Classroom 1)                                            6:30 P.M.


News & Notes Due                                          12:00 P.M.

Head to Heart                                                    5:00 P.M.

ESL (Classroom 1)                                            6:30 P.M.

Choir Rehearsal                                                 6:00 P.M.

Praise Group Rehearsal                                    7:30 P.M.


Communion                                                     10:00 A.M.

Communion                                                       7:00 P.M.


Assemble Bulletin                                             1:00 P.M.

Tenebrae                                                            7:00 P.M.


Communion                                                       7:00 A.M.

Easter Breakfast                                                8:15 A.M.

Bible Study/Sunday School                              9:30 A.M.

Handbell Choir                                                  9:30 A.M.

Communion                                                     10:45 A.M.


 Circuit Church  MESSIAH,  Pea Ridge:  Pray for the complete recovery of Pastor Mayer and the ongoing outreach of Messiah in the Pea Ridge and Bella Vista communities.

 Church Ministry—Fellowship Ministry Team:  Lord, bless the busy, helping hands of our congregation as they prepare the many meals that often precede services and help soothe the pain of those grieving the loss of loved ones.

 Pray also for our Military:  Especially remember, Timothy Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.
