October 30, 2016
OFFICE HELP VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON Will be held on Wednesday November 2nd from 12:00-1:30 pm. Soups, chili, all the fixins and cheesecake will be served and we will play Bingo after the lunch. Please be sure and RSVP by Friday Oct. 28th to the church office at 636-1135. Don’t miss out on the fun !!
TRUNK OR TREAT Is Scheduled for tomorrow night Oct. 31st from 5:30-7:00pm. We still need help in the Trunk department for our Trunk or Treat. This event is possibly our largest community outreach event and we need all the help we can get and we also need TWO VOLUNTEERS in particular to help judge the costume and trunk contest. The Trunk part of this event is so easy and so much fun ! Simply bring your vehicle (or two), decorate it however you like (simple or complicated), bring candy or appropriate hand-outs (enough for about 500) and greet those who come with a smile and sugar. It is a lot of fun so bring your A-game. The winner of each contest will receive a $50 visa card ! If you have any questions please speak with Cameron.
FEED MY SHEEP Is next Sunday November 6th. We are expecting more visitors to the pantry in the month of November with the Thanksgiving Holiday so your generous donations are greatly appreciated !
THANK YOU FROM NONA COPPINGER “I richly appreciate your devoted gift from each of you and thank you for all the prayers and I thank God for each of you”
THE LUTHERAN HOUR Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM
"Running The Race Of Faith”
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus.
A legacy of faith is the best bequest, giving the gift of Jesus to those who come after you.
(Luke 12:19-21)
Holy Trinity Bible Studies
9:30-10:30am - Pam Pickett is leading study of Mark in Classroom 1.
9:30-10:30am in the Conference Room – Women’s Bible Study by Beth Moore: “ENTRUSTED” - Led by Libby Garner
9:30-10:30am - Dave Lehenbauer and Duane Wright are a leading study of Authentic Manhood in Classroom 2.
9:30-10:30am - Pastor Besel leads the Connections Class in Classroom 6.
Monday 2nd & 4th Mondays at 2:00pm
Rotating Hostesses:
Herb & Shirley Bernthal,
Spike & Delores Hermes,
Joe & Barbara Raleigh &
Maxine Reihman-Led By Vern Schaefer
Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm
Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class
PASTOR BESEL is taking his final Sunday of vacation to visit family in Texas. He is returning tonight.
LinkT Retreat Will be November 11th-12th for the Jr. High. (6th-8th grade). Sign up by October 16th and a $50
deposit is required. After the 16th the price of trip will go up as well as the deposit ($70). This years theme is CREATE and will be focusing on our creation and what we are created for.
Christmas is a wonderful time of family, friends, gifts, and of course, Jesus; the greatest gift. In other countries however, some do not have a Christmas. This is where Operation Christmas Child comes in. Thru this effort presents are sent to kids who normally wouldn’t get one along with a message of baby Jesus and his mission to save us all. Our Church can help this goal by putting some of those presents together each year. The simplest way you can help is to donate shoe boxes. You can either wrap them like a present at home or we can do it here. The second and powerful way you can help is to shop. A shopping list can be found in the narthex. If you spot something that is on the list while shopping please consider purchasing it and either creating your own present at home or dropping off in Church office for the mass pack in November. For more information please go to holytrin.org/occ.
WORSHIP SLIDES We have a need for an individual to replace Casey Bolte at the end of this month helping with slides. If you can help please contact Pastor Besel about the details.
OUTREACH MINISTRY Is in need of two volunteers. Volunteers are needed once a month and for two fundraisers a year. If interested in helping out please contact Pat Rader @
LEAVE A LEGACY Do you have a plan to passon your financial gifts to the people and ministries you love? Make plans to attend the “Leaving A Legacy” event that Holy Trinity is hosting on November 6th @ 3:30pm. Reserve your seat by November 2nd by contacting
Mid-South District Office @ 866-373-1343 ext. 3107
MISSION U Coming November 19. For details or to sign up, see the bulletin board in the Narthex.
MILITARY BIBLESTICKS Once again we are giving the members of our congregation the opportunity to provide Military Biblesticks to chaplains to provide audio Bibles to members of our military and their families. Please see the insert in the bulletin for details. Over the last 4 years, members of Holy Trinity have provided 165 of these Biblesticks for our military. Each one costs $25. That means we have donated $4,125 for
Biblesticks. We ask that any gifts be made by November 13th.
THANKSGIVING / CHRISTMAS BASKETS Will once again be offered to members of our congregation. We need your donations to make this a success ! Please bring in items typically used to prepare a Holiday dinner. Place items on the Giving Center counter so we can keep those items separate from the Pantry donations. If you would like to RECEIVE A BASKET please contact the Church office by Friday, November 18th. We need to know if you want a basket for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
OUTREACH OPPORTUNITY Do you have any Christian books, extra Bibles, or Women’s Bible studies/devotions collecting dust at your house? If they have not been written in and you are looking for a place to donate them, bring them to church! There is a plastic collection tub in the Giving Center in the Narthex. Casey Bolte is collecting books/Bibles/devotionals and donating them to a local jail ministry/outreach.
LIFE QUOTES “Luther placed primary emphasis on the Word. He understood that scripture is the final authoritative source for the Church’s life and doctrine. Everything the Church says or does is to be consistent with God’s Word and is to be regulated by God’s word. God has spoken, his Word is truth, and it is the Church’s responsibility to regulate her speech in the light of God’s speech. That is what continual reformation is.” Rev.Michael Stangeland, Pastor of Highwater Lutheran Church, Lamberton Minnesota. *A life quote from Lutherans For Life* www.lutheransforlife.org
October 30th-November 6th 2016
Worship 8:00am
Bible/Sunday School Classes 9:30am
Handbell Choir 9:30am
Worship 10:45am
Cameron’s Day Off
Trunk Or Treat 5:30-7:00pm
ESL (Classroom 2) 6:30pm
Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study 2:00pm
Outreach 6:30pm
News & Notes Due 12:00pm
Office Volunteer Appreciation Lunch 12:00pm
Mission Crafts 3:00pm
ATG 4-7:00pm
Confirmation Class 4:30pm
Choir Rehearsal 6:30pm
ESL (Classroom2) 6:30pm
Praise Group Rehearsal 7:30pm
Youth Mtg. (Conf. Rm.) 5:30pm
Pastor’s Day Off
Assemble Bulletin/Clarion 1:00pm
Cards 6:30pm
Communion 8:00am
Bible/Sunday School Classes 9:30am
Handbell Choir 9:30am
Communion 10:45am
Youth Parent Meeting 12:00pm
Leave A Legacy Workshop 3:30pm
Circuit Church: First Lutheran, Harrison: Pray for the Spirit to flow through the hearts of God’s people as they reach out to others with the love of Christ. Pray their Spirit opens hearts to hear and believe this message of forgiveness and life in our Savior.
Church Ministry Team: Trustees: Guide and protect workers as they reseal and refinish the parking lot. Also for God to be with all our members who help around the church property.
Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, Robert Sabatini who is in the Reserves, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force. Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.
THE MEASURE OF OUR LOVE “We Love Because He First Loved Us”
Those Who Worshiped last Sunday: Total 168(72 Early Service/96 Late Service)
Those Who Shared last Sunday: $40,885.23 ($31,633.01 Private Donation, $1,360 Youth-Wham Ball, $28.40 Youth Can Money, $660 Youth-Café, $20 Copy Machine, $4.50 Mission Crafts, $125 Bible Sticks,
$50 Youth Retreat, $285 Veronica Willis Memorial, $20 Trunk or Treat, $50 Building Fund)