January 22nd, 2017


DIRECTORY UPDATE REMINDER  Please submit your form to be included in the 2017 Church directory. Forms need to be mailed in or can be brought to the Church office by February 3rd. Thank you for your help in getting our new directory together.


CHURCH LOCK-UP REMINDERPlease make sure all doors including garage doors are shut, locked, and secure if you are the last person leaving the building or the shed. We have had a few incidents lately to where doors have been left unlocked all night on the premises.  Also, please turn off lights.  We have found the lights on in the shed when no one had been in there for more than a week.  It is your offering that pays for the light bill.   We appreciate your assistance in making sure the facilities are kept secure overnight and that we are good stewards of your offerings. Thank you.


PORTALS OF PRAYER  Make sure you pick up the new Portals of Prayer for January.  They are available in the Narthex.  Feel free to share them with other people.



No, just because he feels his impurity and unworthiness, he approaches all the more and looks only upon the goodness of Christ. This is true faith, a living confidence in the goodness of God.  (Church Postils, Ephihany 3)



Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "The Word of the Cross-Power for Life”. Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz. To the world, Jesus seemed to be a loser. He suffered what all would consider defeat in order to win new life for you. (1 Corinthians 1:10-18)





9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Mark in Classroom 1.    

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer and

Duane Wright are leading a study in Prayer in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


ALTAR FLOWERS  There are still several Sundays open if you would like to sponsor flowers for our altar.  The cost is $60 for both bouquets or $ 30 for one.  This cost includes tax. Please write your name and the reason for the flowers (including dates), if you have one, on the flower chart in the hallway near the restrooms.  We then ask you to put the money in the offering around the time you have signed up for – marking it for the altar flowers. 


 MISSION U  has been rescheduled for Saturday, February 11th at Holy Trinity from 9:00am-2:00pm.  This free seminar is entitled “’Equipping To Share: Tough Questions.”  Participants will learn how to classify, identify, and get to the root of tough questions and objections to Christianity, and practice giving sensitive and relevant answers that point to the Savior, suing messages of “Law” and “Gospel” as appropriate.  Lunch will be provided. Childcare is available with prior arrangement.  Call the Church office to register or sign up on the bulletin board in the Narthex.  In order to get lunches ordered, we ask that you contact the Church office no later than Tuesday, February 7th.


LIFE QUOTES  “If unborn children are to be protected from death by abortion; if newborn handicapped children are to be protected from death by infanticide; if the elderly, the ‘non-productive,’ the dependent are to be protected by euthanasia; and if the sanctity of life is to be affirmed and protected, then our voice is essential.”

Dr. Jean Garton, former president of Lutherans For Life.-A Life Quote from Lutheran For Life- If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site: www.lutheransforlife.org


Windshield Wiper and a Child


From the mouths of babes.  It's all so clear to them. Driving in the rain will never be quite the same.........


One rainy afternoon I was driving along one of the main streets of town, taking those extra precautions necessary when the roads are wet and slick.  Suddenly, my son Matthew spoke up from his relaxed position in he front seat.   “Mom, I'm thinking of something.”  This announcement usually meant he had been pondering some fact for a while and was now ready to expound all that his seven-year-old mind had discovered.  I was eager to hear. “What are you thinking?” I asked.  “The rain,” he began, “is like sin and the windshield wipers are like God, wiping our sins away.”


After the chill bumps raced up my arms I was able to respond.  “That's really good, Matthew.”  Then my curiosity broke in.  How far would this little boy take this revelation?  So I asked... “Do you notice how the rain keeps on coming?  What does that tell you?”   Matthew didn't hesitate one moment with his answer: “We keep on sinning, and God just keeps on forgiving us.”


Who can drive in the rain again without thinking of this???




A church paper reported a study from a woman who visited eighteen churches on successive Sundays.  She walked up and down the aisle and visited with people after each service.  She rated each parish on the following scale:


    10    — for a smile from a worshiper

    10    — for a greeting from someone sitting nearby

  100    — for an exchange of names

  200    — for an invitation to coffee or dinner

  200    — for an invitation to return

 1000    — for an introduction to another worshiper

2000    — for an invitation to meet the pastor


On this scale, all eighteen churches earned fewer than 100 points!   The “researcher” concludes:  “The preaching may be Biblical, the singing inspirational, the sermon uplifting, but when the visitor finds no one who cares whether or not she is there, she is not likely to come back.”


Go ahead and smile!  Show people that you (and your face) know about the love and peace of Christ Jesus!


William Arthur Ward, Quote Magazine

                      THIS WEEK AT HOLY TRINITY

January 22nd- 29th, 2017



Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                                 10:45am



Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                                6:30pm



Youth Basketball Practice/Life Ctr.          6:00pm



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Mission Crafts                                                           3:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

Choir Rehearsal                                                       6:30pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                                  6:30pm                                 

Praise Group Rehearsal                                      7:30pm



Education Meeting                            5:30pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin & Clarion                         1:00pm



Worship                                                                    8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                                 10:45am            


Circuit Church: First Living Savior, Bethel Heights: Pray that God would guide the outreach of the congregation and the assimilation of new members.

Church Ministry Team: Trustees Team: Prayers for all of the Church projects that are proposed and that we would be blessed by them and have talented people to help with each of them so we will be instrumental in helping God’s plan for our Church.

         Also we are asking prayers for our fellow trustee Bob Bauer for strength and healing.

Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.
