May 20, 2018



PENTECOST   “When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth.”   (Psalm 104:30)



RESTORATION LUTHERAN SUPPORT BANQUET   By now we hope you have heard all about Pastor Ziscke's much needed mission plant in Fayetteville and the Banquet the district is having to support his ministry today, from 5-7 PM.  There is no cost to attend.  However, you need to be aware this is a support banquet where we will learn, in detail, about the ministry Pastor Ziscke is working on and be asked to support it financially.  If you are interested, please speak with Cameron or the church office. 


EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TRAINING  The first emergency preparedness session for Ushers has been rescheduled to take place  today from 9:30am – 10:30am between the first and second service. The topic will be Medical Emergencies and will include training on first aid, CPR and the AED. The training will be completed in the Family Life Center.  Ushers, please mark your calendars and let Dave Ferguson know if you will be unable to attend.  Anyone who is interested in learning hands only CPR, etc. is invited to join us.




THE LUTHERAN HOUR   Today on KURM (790 AM) at 12:30 P.M. & The Bott Radio Network at 8 A.M. on 89.3 F.M “Functional Atheist No More!”  Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer--  Christians like to think of themselves as following the first disciples.  That’s uncomfortably true.  The first disciples had trouble believing the promises of Jesus for their daily lives.  Too often we do too.   On Pentecost the Spirit of the risen Lord Jesus gave the first disciples faith like they had never had before.  Today the same Spirit is ready to do the same for us? (Acts 2:1-21; John 15, 26-27)




9:30-10:30 A.M.  Emergency Preparedness Training

9:30-10:30 A.M Women’s Bible Study entitled The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Study is led by Libby Garner and meets in the Conference Room.

9:30-10:30 A.M Dave Lehenbauer

leads a study for the men in Classroom 2 on “A man and his work.”

Monday   2nd & 4th Mondays at 2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer Rotating Hostesses: Herb & Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Dolores Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh, Maxine Reihman & Betty Jensen

Tuesday  Noon - Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study.  This is the last class until Fall.


6:30 PM  Pastor Besel is teaching the Living Disciple class in Classroom 1.

BIBLE CLASS   Pastor Besel’s class in Classroom 1 will not meet today because of the CPR training in the Life Center.  Next week we will watch the class video on “The Tale of Two Brains”  (male and female).  June 3 will be led by Pastor JD Zischke while Pastor Besel is in Winfield, KS for his 45th reunion.  By vote of the class, will be begin the study “Sex and Romance in the Bible” on June 10.


SAMSON  PLAY THURSDAY   We canceled the bus but will be using the church van and an extra car to transport 17 of our signed up people for the May 24th show.  Please have ticket money paid by today to Shirley.  We will leave from church at 12 Noon on Thursday and be back home around 8-8:30pm.


PICTURE DIRECTORY  You are invited to participate in our upcoming professional photography session.  We will take pictures on June 7, 8, 9, at the church.  Thursday and Friday we will have sessions from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m.  On Saturday, we will take pictures from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Schedule with us this morning after either service.  We also have a website you can use to sign up for your appointment during the week:

We are looking forward to booking every church member this year!

Elaine Launderville and Shirley Bernthal, Fellowship Ministry Team

THANK YOU  To the United States Postal Workers for their effort to help stamp out hunger, and to Bruce Pilcher and David Heintz for making the trip to the Post Office to pickup and deliver the groceries to our food pantry.  And we cannot forget our wonderful volunteers who showed up to help sort and stock our shelves.  You are all awesome and your help was very appreciated.


HELPING HANDS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED  Saturday, June 9th is the next volunteer event for Holy Trinity to support Helping Hands. This faith-based organization provides food for around 100 families each week and needs our help to run their store. If you can spare a few hours of time, you will be supporting a great cause and getting an extra discount on merchandise at the same time! Please sign up in the Narthex or see Dave Ferguson.


LIFE QUOTES   We celebrate when a mother has second thoughts concerning abortion and keeps her baby. We sing ‘Alleluia’ when an orphaned child once abandoned is adopted and lives in a home filled with the presence of Christ’s love reflected through a mother and father.” Chaplain (Lt. Colonel) Steven Hokana, Assistant Director of Ministry to the Armed Forces (MAF) (LCMS) –If you wish to support Lutherans for Life, you can through their web site


HELP NEEDED  We need volunteers to work with the lead counters to count the weekly offerings.  If you can help with this vital task, please contact Dean Eisma at 479-621-8451 or call the church office at 479-636-1135.




If your student is graduating Spring of 2019, entering 9th grade Fall of 2019 or somewhere in between they are eligible for the Summer Mix. 


June 7th - BBQ at Pullmann House from 5-8pm. Come and hang out, play games, and eat some summer food!  900 W Olive St. in Rogers.  If your last name starts with one of the following, please bring something to share! A-K Please bring an Appetizer | L-Z  Please bring a Dessert.  My plan is to do burgers, hot dogs, and brats for main course.  If that doesn't work for someone, please let me know and we can make other arrangements. 


June 14th - Trip to Modern Mission - Time is TBD and depends on Modern Mission’s schedule. Cost is $10 per student. 


This is a partial list of June activities Look for a more complete listing of youth events in the June Clarion.






May 20 through May 25, 2018



Communion                                                                     8:00 A.M.

Bible Study/Sunday School                                     9:30 A.M.

Emergency Preparedness Training                     9:30 A.M.

Handbell Choir                                                               9:30 A.M.

Communion                                                                  10:45 A.M.

Support Banquet for Fayetteville Mission        5:00 P.M.



Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 1)                                                        6:30 P.M.



Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study (last of season)          Noon



Staff Meeting                                                                12:00 P.M.

News and Notes Due                                                12:00 P.M.

ESL (to Crystal Bridges [last of season])           6:30 P.M.



Branson/Sampson Trip                                          12:00 P.M.

Living Disciple Class                                                   6:30 P.M.



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Clarion and Bulletin                               1:00 P.M.



Worship                                                                            8:00 A.M.

Bible Study/Sunday School                                     9:30 A.M.

Handbell Choir                                                               9:30 A.M.

Worship                                                                          10:45 A.M.






Circuit Church:  the St. John’s, Fayetteville:  Pray that God would guide outreach of the congregation and the assimilation of new members.



Church Ministry: Hispanic Ministry Team:  Dear Jesus, pray that we can spread Your message to our neighbors through a common language.



Pray also for our Military:  Especially remember, Timothy Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.
