May 27, 2018
THANK YOU The Campus CONNECTion care packages were mailed to our college students at the beginning of May. The packages included homemade cookies, store bought treats, a $10 gas card to help them get home, and a personal note from Pastor. Thank you SO much Connie Heintz and Debbie Wilken for providing cookies for the care packages! Thank you as well Christy Lehenbauer for using a Thrivent Action Team to cover the cost of packing materials and postage!! The students LOVED the treats! Most of the college students will be home soon – be sure to welcome them back to church when you see them! If you would like to be involved in this outreach ministry, please contact Casey Bolte.
GREETERS, READERS, VIDEO OPERATORS, OFFICE HELPERS, COUNTERS We are looking ahead to third quarter scheduling. If you have vacations or other obligations planned during June, July, and August, please let us know. We will not schedule you at times you specify. Thanks for looking ahead and for all you do.
HELP NEEDED We need volunteers to work with the lead counters to count the weekly offerings. If you can help with this vital task, please contact Dean Eisma at 479-621-8451 or call the church office at 479-636-1135.
THE LUTHERAN HOUR Today on KURM (790 AM) at 12:30 P.M. & The Bott Radio Network at 8 A.M. on 89.3 F.M. “Impossible” Speaker Emeritus Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus- Can death hold us? Experience says, “Yes!” the Apostle Peter says “No”. Today’s sermon talks about making possible that which can’t happen. (Acts 2:22-24)
9:30-10:30 A.M. – Pastor Besel is showing the video “A Tale of Two Brains” (male and female) today in Classroom 1. The Bible Study “Sex and Romance in the Bible” begins on June 10.
9:30-10:30 A.M Women’s Bible Study entitled The Patriarchs: Encountering the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Study is led by Libby Garner and meets in the Conference Room.
9:30-10:30 A.M Dave Lehenbauer
leads a study for the men in Classroom 2 on “A man and his work.”
Monday 2nd & 4th Mondays at 2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer Rotating Hostesses: Herb & Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Dolores Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh, Maxine Reihman & Betty Jensen
6:30 PM Pastor Besel is teaching the Living Disciple class in Classroom 1.
PICTURE DIRECTORY You are invited to participate in our upcoming professional photography session. We will take pictures on June 7, 8, 9, at the church. Thursday and Friday we will have sessions from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m. On Saturday, we will take pictures from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Schedule with us this morning after either service. We also have a website you can use to sign up for your appointment during the week:
We are looking forward to booking every church member this year!
Elaine Launderville and Shirley Bernthal, Fellowship Ministry Team
HELPING HANDS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Saturday, June 9th is the next volunteer event for Holy Trinity to support Helping Hands. This faith-based organization provides food for around 100 families each week and needs our help to run their store. If you can spare a few hours of time, you will be supporting a great cause and getting an extra discount on merchandise at the same time! Please sign up in the Narthex or see Dave Ferguson.
*Correction from last week* - Summer Mix activities are open for all youth in grades 6-12.
June 7th - BBQ at Pullmann House from 5-8pm. Come and hang out, play games, and eat some summer food! 900 W Olive St. in Rogers. If your last name starts with one of the following, please bring something to share! A-K Please bring an Appetizer | L-Z Please bring a Dessert. My plan is to do burgers, hot dogs, and brats for main course. If that doesn't work for someone, please let me know and we can make other arrangements.
June 14th - Trip to Modern Mission - Time is TBD and depends on Modern Mission’s schedule. Cost is $10 per student.
Week of June 18th – Putting a float trip together sometime that week, probably that Wednesday, June 20th. It will be during the day, leaving sometime early morning
June 24th – Nerf War at Church 12-2 pm. Lunch will be provided.
June 28th – Trip to the Aquatic Center 11 am – 2 pm. Cost is $5 per student.
LIFE QUOTES Would you be willing to take a little bit of time on Memorial Day to do two things? One is to thank God for the successful outcomes of the sacrifices that these graves represent. Our country is a free and blessed place, and our freedom was bought at a terrible price. Second, will you rededicate yourself to sharing the good news of Jesus so that as many people as possible will be rejoicing on resurrection day”? As you think about cemeteries, realize that God has the last word: ‘Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt’ (Daniel 12:2 NIV). All Christian warriors will awake soon to new life.” Pastor Mark Jeske, Time of Grace–If you wish to support Lutherans for Life, you can through their web site
LIFE THOUGHTS IN THE CHURCH YEAR “Woe is me! . . I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclear lips” (Isaiah 6:5). Many among us complicit in crimes against life secretly cry Isaiah’s lament. “Behold . . . your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for” (6:7). The Gospel of God’s healing holiness speaks especially to them. How can we keep silent about it when the same fierce Spirit of Fatherhood and Sonship so fills us. Loving Father, Son, and Spirit, send us to prophesy of Your eternal life. Amen. (Holy Trinity)
May 27 through June 2, 2018
Worship 8:00 A.M.
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Handbell Choir 9:30 A.M.
Worship 10:45 A.M.
Memorial Day (office closed)
Cameron’s Day Off
News and Notes Due 12:00 P.M.
Living Disciple Class 6:30 P.M.
Pastor’s Day Off
Assemble Bulletin 1:00 P.M
Cards Group 6:30 P.M
Communion 8:00 A.M.
Bible Study/Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
Handbell Choir 9:30 A.M.
Communion 10:45 A.M.
Circuit Church: Fayetteville Mission, J.D. Zischke: Pray that God would provide a new location for worship.
Church Ministry: Sunday School: Please pray for our Sunday School program, our teachers, and for continued growth.
Pray also for our Military: Especially remember, Timothy Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.