January 20, 2019 


Unity Sunday Communion Service [1/20] 10:00 AM (Pastor Schoolcraft)

With 11:30 AM Voters Meeting and Lunch

Worship Service [1/27] 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM(Pastor Bernthal)

Communion (Feed My Sheep)[2/3] 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM (Pastor Hudak)

Worship Service [2/10] 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM(Pastor Schultz)

Communion [2/17] 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM (Pastor Schoolcraft

Worship Service [2/24] 8:00 AM and 10:45 AM(Pastor Bibler)

MUSIC MINISTRY - We are beginning a new season of rehearsals in the Music Ministry on Wed., Jan. 23rd. Choir will meet from 6:30-7:30pm and Praise Group will meet from 7:30-8:30pm. We are also planning on having the Orchestra play on Easter Sun., Apr. 21st, if you have been playing an instrument for 3 or more years. If you are interested in participating in the Music Ministry in any way (Choir, Praise Group, Bells, Orchestra, solos, or duets), please see LeAnn Girshner or email her at maestro_LMM@yahoo.com

NEW FOOD PANTRY HOURS  Effective Tuesday, January 22, the food pantry will be open from Noon to 4:00 PM on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Tuesday hours are 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. 

THE LUTHERAN HOUR   Today on KURM (790 AM) at 12:30 P.M. & The Bott Radio Network at 8 A.M. on 89.3 F.M.  ‘My Delight is in Her"  Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Anthony (Tony) Cook
As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, God rejoices over you. This week we explore our new name and identity as the bride of Christ.  (Isaiah 62:1-5)



8:45 A.M. – Pam Pickett leads a study of Joshua.

8:45 A.M Libby Garner leads a Beth Moore study for women in the Conference Room.

8:45 A.M Dave Lehenbauer

leads a study for the men in Classroom 2 on the book of Romans.

Monday   2nd & 4th Mondays at 2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer Rotating Hostesses: Herb & Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Dolores Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh, Maxine Reihman.

Tuesday  2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class

BIBLE STUDY – CLASSROOM 1  Are you involved in a Bible study class?  If not, we would love to have you join us in Classroom 1 where we are taking a verse by verse look at the book of Joshua.  Think the Old Testament is boring?  That it’s not relevant?  Oh no my friend, just the opposite.  Wars, miracles, lessons in prayer life – all at the same time!  We begin at 9:30 a.m. Sunday mornings, hope to see you there.

Pam Pickett


Life issues such as infertility, surprise pregnancy, or terminal diagnosis can loom like six stone jars (John 2:6). They remind us of our imperfections and our need for cleansing. As at Cana, Jesus still compassionately intervenes. He makes life issues speak instead the sweetness of His miraculous but mysterious salvation from the shadows of death. Let us delight to proclaim it lest the stones shame us by their crying out.

LIFE QUOTES  “Sixty million unborn children have died as a result of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions. However, through the right-to-life movement’s deter-mination to protect mothers and their children, we continue to see evidence that our efforts to educate America about the unborn child’s humanity, and our efforts to enact protective pro-life legislation, are having a tremens-dous impact in moving our nation away from Roe’s and Doe’s deadly legacy.” Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life --If you wish to support this group, you may do so through their website: www.lutheransforlife.org

HELPING HANDS  Holy Trinity is scheduled to assist at Helping Hands on January 26, 2019.  The signup sheet has been posted in the Narthex.  We still need some volunteers for the afternoon.  Please help.

SR. HIGH LINKT RETREAT – FEB 15-17TH Attention Sr High Youth, your LinkT Retreat is right around the corner! This is great weekend of worship, crazy games and adventures, and deep dives into faith. We will leave around 5pm that Friday and be back around 4pm that Sunday. Cost is $50 a student to help cover food, registration, and travel. Deadline for sign up is Sunday, January 13th.

TODAY UNITY SUNDAY AND HTY CAFE  Be sue to attend the Voter’s Meeting and stay for lunch. The youth are deep into National Youth Gathering mode and invite you to a meal they will prepare and serve. This month there will be a Balsamic Pork Loin roast with roasted carrots and rice. The other main option will be Chicken Alfredo. We will also have the usual’s, entrée salad with chicken, burgers, nuggets, and fries of course. All proceeds support our youth and their trip to the NYG this July.

YOUTH SKI TRIP – JAN 26TH Attention Jr and Sr High. Sign up for our trip to Snow Creek in Missouri for a Saturday of skiing/snowboarding. Open to beginners and veterans alike and there will be lessons available for people who are new to the sport. We will leave early that morning and be back in the evening after 7 most likely.

 ADULT BIBLE CLASS  I have an announcements regarding my Bible class meeting in classroom one.  Starting TODAY, we will start a new study.  The study will concentrate on Old Testament People.  We will begin with Joshua and then study Ruth, Samuel, David and Solomon.  Men and women, younger and older you are all invited and welcomed to join us.  If you have any questions please contact Pam Pickett.

 CHRISTMAS CARDS  Thank you to everyone who has donated their used cards to Mission Crafts.  We made 350 Scripture books last year and used up thousands of cards.  We actually ran out towards the end of the year!  Christmas, Easter, Birthday or any occasion cards can be reused.  Thank you.



HISPANIC MINISTRY needs your help! Want to make a difference in your community?  We do that.  Every Monday and Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 we offer both a beginning and an intermediate English as a Second Language class for free to anyone who wants to come.  We make friends for life and help to improve our friends' lives by teaching them English and loving them.  We have 13 students this semester and need your help ! Please contact Peggy Jones at 479-633-2050 if you have an hour or so to spare each week.  We can put you right to work. 

 January 20 through January 26, 2019


Bible Study/Sunday School                              8:45 A.M.

Handbell Choir                                                  8:45 A.M.

Communion                                                     10:00 A.M.

Voter’s Meeting/HTY Café                             11:30 A.M.



Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 1)                                              



Pastor Bernthals Bible Study                           2:00 P.M.



News & Notes Due                                          12:00 P.M.

ESL (Classroom 1)                                            6:30 P.M.

Head to Heart                                                    6:30 P.M.

Choir Rehearsal                                                 6:30 P.M.

Praise Group Rehearsal                                    7:30 P.M.



Assemble Clarion and Bulletin                         1:00 P.M.



Youth Ski Trip                                                   7:00 A.M.

Helping Hands                                                   8:00 A.M.



Worship                                                             8:00 A.M.

Bible Study/Sunday School                              9:30 A.M.

Handbell Choir                                                  9:30 A.M.

Worship                                                           10:45 A.M.


 Circuit Church  SALEM,  Springdale  May the Holy Spirit open our eyes to mission opportunities in our community.

 Church Ministry—Financial Stewardship Ministry Team.  Dear Lord, we pray for guidance for our Stewardship Team.  Help them to gently teach our congregation about our financial needs.

 Pray also for our Military:  Especially remember, Timothy Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.
