
June 25, 2017

JUNE 25TH, 2017


THANK YOU To those who donated funds towards the Loving Choices Baby Bottles program. Loving Choices wants to extend a heartfelt thanks to all!

FEED MY SHEEP Is next Sunday July 2nd. In May, the NWA Food Bank, (where we order our pantry items from), distributed food to its partner agencies to serve 769,112 meals to those with food insecurities in the four county area. Thank you in advance for helping our Church reach out to those in need of food.

VBS REGISTRATION Is here, and the paperwork you all have been waiting for is now available. If you have a child in preschool thru 5th grade, swing on by the VBS table in the narthex and fill out a registration form for them. It can also be done online at

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS   We are pleased to welcome the following people into our congregation during the 10:45 service today following our recent Connections class:  Mikah Tucker by Adult Confirmation (Proverbs 3:5, 6), WayneAlumbaugh by Reaffirmation of Faith, Phil and Annette Garling by Reaffirmation of Faith, and Jan and John Wildenborg by Reaffirmation of Faith.  Welcome to our congregation.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR   Today on KURM (790 AM) at 12:30 P.M. & The Bott Radio Network at 8 A.M. on 89.3 FM. “What God Says”

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Cameron Mackenzie

Are you listening to what “they say”?

Or what God says?  (Isaiah 43:1-3))




9:30-10:30 A.M. – Pastor Besel is leading a Bible Class on the Augsburg Confession in Classroom 1

9:30-10:30 A.M. – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “Law and Gospel” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30 A.M. – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God is led by Libby Garner in the Conference Room.


Monday   2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen







Vacation Bible School is an incredible ministry here at Holy Trinity. Last year we had 50 children at our VBS, with well over half not being members of this Church. VBS is a tremendous way to reach out into our community and reach some people with the Gospel. In order to do this, we need your help. Each position is pivotal in making our VBS the best it can be from Crew Leaders to Snack Makers. Please visit our table in the Narthex, check out some of the positions that are open and speak to Cameron, Cathy, or Eric about being a volunteer and helping us reach out into our community.



For Christ had been crucified, had destroyed sin and death by his death, had risen from the dead, the Holy Spirit had been given, and in short, all things pertaining to this supper were now ready. It all was so prepared that it did not cost us anything; for the Father through Christ bore all its expenses, in order that we without our merit and assistance might enjoy his treasures, and become rich abnd prosperous.  (Church Postils, Trinity 2)

LIFE QUOTES “There is a logical slippery slope between euthanasia for adults and children. If death is regarded as a ‘benefit’ for sick or depressed adults, then it is difficult to see why children should not be given this ‘benefit’ as well. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are contrary to the ethos of medicine, which is to care, not kill. We must ensure that treatment is only withdrawn from patients of any age and for a good medical reason. The motive for withdrawing treatment should never be to end a life.”

*Dr. Anthony McCarthy, SPUC Pro-Life*   - A Quote F rom Lutherans For Life-        If you wish to support this group, go to their web site : www.lutherans for



School is out, but hunger is not. Free and reduced meal programs at schools, help feed thousands of kids in Northwest Arkansas who rely on this program to be able to eat during the summer months. There are several summer hunger programs in the four county area that are dedicated to serving children in need. For more information about this program you can contact the NWA Food Bank for locations and times @ 479-872-8774.



“It takes some of us a lifetime to learn that Christ, our Good Shepherd, knows exactly what He is doing with us. He understands us perfectly.”              --Phillip Keller

TRIP TO HOLY LAND  As you may or may not beware of I am leading a trip to Israel leaving on March 20th, 2018 and returning on March 31st, 2018. This is an all-inclusive trip and the package price includes: round trip airare from Fayetteville to Tel Aviv on American and Lufthanas Airlines, assistance upon arrrival in Tel Aviv, 2 group airport bus transfers, 10 overnights at 4-star hotels, with 2 daily meals (breakfast and supper), full bus and driver throughout, English speaking licensed tour guide, driver, all entrance fees & tips to guides, hotels/hotels staff, 2 lunches included, study materials and travel kit

(hat, shoulder bag and road map). Not included: most lunches, extra beverages at meals, items of personal nature (souvenirs), all types of insurance. The cost of the trip is $3,767 per person. If interested in joining us contact me and I can get you a copy of the full itinerary of all the sites we will be seeing and details about the hotels we will be staying at. It is going to be an amazing journey and I would love for you to join us.

~ Pam Pickett~



There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in another part of the country.  “Is there anything breakable in here?” asked the postal clerk.  “Only the Ten Commandments,” answered the lady. 



June 25th-July 2nd, 2017




Worship                                                               8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                          9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                         9:30am

Worship                                                                10:45am



Cameron’s Day Off



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                          1:00pm



Communion                                                       8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                               9:30am

Communion                                                  10:45am



Circuit Church:                          LIVING SAVIOR,             BETHEL HEIGHTS: Pray that God would guide the outreach of the congregation and the assimilation of new members..


Church Ministry Team:                     JOURNEYMEN TEAM:        *******WAITING ON PRAYER FROM DAVE LEHENBAUER****                                                                           


Pray also for our Military:           Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



June 18, 2017

JUNE 18TH, 2017


HAPPY FATHER’S DAY  To all of our Father’s.  Enjoy your special day and make sure you hug a Father or Grandather today and tell them them thank you !

LOVING CHOICE BABY BOTTLES  Are due today.  If you forgot to bring your today, please do so first thing tomorrow as they will be picked up then by Loving Choices.

THANK YOU To those who served at Helping Hands last Saturday.  Your help was greatly appreciated assisting those in our communities. 

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Our Sunday School is in need of a couple of awesome people to step up and teach for the summer as soon as possible. Summer Sunday School is relatively easy as attendance ebbs and flows and you can decide how in depth you want to go with each Sunday. If interested please contact Cameron for more info.   NOTE:  If we cannot fill this role TODAY  Sunday School will have to be on hiatus for the summer.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR  Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM.

“Look Back, See What God Has Done!”

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

God not only kept his side of the bargain—He kept our side of the bargain too.  (Exodus 19:2-8)




9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading a Bible Class on the Augsburg Confession in Classroom 1

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God is led by Libby Garner in the Conference Room.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen

NOAH’S ARK TRIP  Is Scheduled

for Sept. 10th-16th.  We have been informed that the Missouri group will not be going with us so in order to meet the minimum number required to do the trip we need at least thirty to sign up.  Feel free to invite friends, family or neighbors to join us.  Sign up sheet is in the Narthex. Full payment is due by July 3rd and checks need to be made payable to Shirley Bernthal. Questions can be directed to Pat Rader or Shirley Bernthal.



Vacation Bible School is an incredible ministry here at Holy Trinity. Last year we had 50 children at our VBS, with well over half not being members of this Church. VBS is a tremendous way to reach out into our community and reach some people with the Gospel. In order to do this, we need your help. Each position is pivotal in making our VBS the best it can be from Crew Leaders to Snack Makers. Please visit our table in the Narthex, check out some of the positions that are open and speak to Cameron, Cathy, or Eric about being a volunteer and helping us reach out into our community.


First, what is the bosom of Abraham, since it cannot be a natural bosom that is meant? To answer this, it is necessary to know that the soul or Spirit of man has no rest or place where it may abide, except the Word of God, until he comes at the last day to the clear vision of God. Therefore we conclude that the bosom of Abraham signifies nothing else than the Word of God, where Christ was promised. (Genesis 22:18 to Abraham, namely: “In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.”)

(Church Postils, Trinity 1)

LIFE QUOTES  “Children, vulnerable and dependent, desperately need security, and it has ever been a duty and a joy of fatherhood to offer it. Being a Father requires strength…and more than a little courage…to persevere. To fight discouragement, and to keep working for the family…With God’s grace, fathers find the patience to teach, the fortitude to provide, the compassion to comfort, and the mercy to forgive. All of this is to say that they find the strength to love their wives and children selflessly. Let us expressour thanks and affection to our fathers, whether we can do so in person or in prayer.” President Ronald Reagan, Father’s Day 1988-A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life-  If you wish to support this group, go to their web site : www.lutherans for 

TRIP TO HOLY LAND  As you may or may not be aware of I am leading a trip to Israel leaving on March 20th, 2018 and returning on March 31st, 2018. This is an all-inclusive trip and the package price includes: round trip airare from Fayetteville to Tel Aviv on American and Lufthanas Airlines, assistance upon arrrival in Tel Aviv, 2 group airport bus transfers, 10 overnights at 4-star hotels, with 2 daily meals (breakfast and supper), full bus and driver throughout, English speaking licensed tour guide, driver, all entrance fees & tips to guides, hotels/hotels staff, 2 lunches included, study materials and travel kit

(hat, shoulder bag and road map). Not included: most lunches, extra beverages at meals, items of personal nature (souvenirs), all types of insurance. The cost of the trip is $3,767 per person. If interested in joining us contact me and I can get you a copy of the full itinerary of all the sites we will be seeing and details about the hotels we will be staying at. It is going to be an amazing journey and I would love for you to join us.

~ Pam Pickett~ 

TO THINK ABOUT    “It’s a great joy but no test of love or commitment to take your son to a ball game.  You really prove your credentials as a good dad when you are willing to take your daughter shopping – more than once.

        ~ Michael Josephson


June 18th-June 25th, 2017



Communion                                                       8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                          9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                         9:30am

Communion                                                        10:45am




Cameron’s Day Off



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Staff Meeting                                                 12:00pm

ATG                                                                 4-7:00pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin & Clarion                         1:00pm



Worship                                                               8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                               9:30am

Worship                                                         10:45am



Circuit Church:                          FIRST LUTHERAN, HARRISON: Pray for the Holy Spirit to flow through the hearts of God’s people as they reach out to others with the love of Christ. Pray that the Spirit opens hearts to hear and believe this message of forgiveness and life in our Savior.

Church Ministry Team:                     SUNDAY SCHOOL TEAM:        Pray that we will be able to fill the teaching positions for our Sunday school classes this summer.                                                                                   

Pray also for our Military:           Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



June 11, 2017

JUNE 11TH, 2017


THANK YOU  For the generous donation to the food pantry last week. It is much appreciated as our requests for assistance will be increasing with the summer months !


A SPECIAL NOTE FROM OUR OFFICE MANAGER:   To all members of Holy Trinity Congregation. I have resigned my position effective June 23rd.  However I will continue to work Mondays and Thursday until my replacement is in place. This was a very difficult decision but right now there are some family situations that will require me helping out more than I can right now with my current job. I want to thank you all for truly making me feel like I was a member of the congregation and for everyone’s kindness towards me. What a great testimony to someone who isn’t a member of your congregation. I have been truly blessed by the job and your friendships and you will always hold a special place in my heart.

                                                                                                                     ~ Kim McConnell~ 

(Note: if interested in applying for Kim’s position, see Pastor Besel)


HELPING HANDS  Is scheduled for THIS Saturday, June 17th. If you are interested in helping out please sign up on sheet in narthex. There is a morning and afternoon shift available.


THE LUTHERAN HOUR  Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM.

“Never Alone!”

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

You can be certain about the place to meet God, His plan of salvation, and His presence.  (Matthew 28:16-20)




9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is finishing a Study of Galatians in

            Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is finishing the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.

 Next Week:  The Augsburg Confession

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen


NOAH’S ARK TRIP Is Scheduled

for Sept. 10th-16th.  We need FOUR more spots filled to meet the minimum number required to do the trip. Sign up sheet is in the Narthex. Full payment is due by July 3rd and checks need to be made payable to Shirley Bernthal. Questions can be directed to Pat Rader or Shirley Bernthal.

LOVING CHOICES BABY BOTTLES   Please return our Baby Bottles with any donations for Loving Choices by next Sunday.  If you haven’t taken one there are some still available on the table in the Narthex.

GIRLS LUNCH OUT  Will be this Thursday the 15th @ the Doubletree Hotel. Please sign up and join inon the fun and fellowship.

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Our Sunday School is in need of a couple of awesome people to step up and teach for the summer as soon as possible. Summer Sunday School is relatively easy as attendance ebbs and flows and you can decide how in depth you want to go with each Sunday. If interested please contact Cameron for more info.If we cannot fill this role by June 18th Sunday School will have to be on hiatus for the summer.



Hence by faith in the Word and in his baptism he remains a free man, superior to all laws, because he has through Christ forgiveness of sin, the grace of God, and the Holy Spirit, and governs his entire life accordingly. Through the Holy Spirit, who operates in his heart, he has been quickened into life, and, except as the Spirit by the Word guides and directs him, he does not look for other teaching regarding works and holiness.

(Church Postils, Trinity Sunday)



Vacation Bible School is an incredible ministry here at Holy Trinity. Last year we had 50 children at our VBS, with well over half not being members of this Church. VBS is a tremendous way to reach out into our community and reach some people with the Gospel. In order to do this, we need your help. Each position is pivotal in making our VBS the best it can be from Crew Leaders to Snack Makers. Please visit our table in the Narthex, check out some of the positions that are open and speak to Cameron, Cathy, or Eric about being a volunteer and helping us reach out into our community.

LIFE QUOTES  “What do we say to women and men crushed in the aftermath of an abortion decision? They are created, redeemed, and called, and therefore NOTHING can separate them from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” *Rev Dr. James I Lamb, Former Director of Lutherans for Life*

-If you wish to support this ministry, you may through their web site:

TRIP TO HOLY LANDAs you may or may not be aware of I am leading a trip to Israel leaving on March 20th, 2018 and returning on March 31st, 2018. This is an all-inclusive trip and the package price includes: round trip airare from Fayetteville to Tel Aviv on American and Lufthanas Airlines, assistance upon arrrival in Tel Aviv, 2 group airport bus transfers, 10 overnights at 4-star hotels, with 2 daily meals (breakfast and supper), full bus and driver throughout, English speaking licensed tour guide, driver, all entrance fees & tips to guides, hotels/hotels staff, 2 lunches included, study materials and travel kit

(hat, shoulder bag and road map). Not included: most lunches, extra beverages at meals, items of personal nature (souvenirs), all types of insurance. The cost of the trip is $3,767 per person. If interested in joining us contact me and I can get you a copy of the full itinerary of all the sites we will be seeing and details about the hotels we will be staying at. It is going to be an amazing journey and I would love for you to join us.

~ Pam Pickett~


The Oldest Computer

The oldest computer can be traced back to Adam and Eve,                 Surprise! Surprise!                                      It was an Apple,                                        But with extremely limited memory. Just 1 byte,                                               Then everything crashed.




June 11th-June 18th, 2017




Worship                                                               8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                          9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                         9:30am

Worship                                                                10:45am




Cameron’s Day Off



Council Meeting                                                        6:30pm              



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

ATG                                                                 4-7:00pm



Pastor @ Support Group/Eureka         9-2:00pm

Girls Lunch Out @ Doubletree                11:30am



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                              1:00pm



Helping Hands Volunteer Day               8-4:00pm


SUNDAY-Father’s Day

Communion                                                       8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                               9:30am

Communion                                                   10:45am



Circuit Church: BELLA VISTA, BELLA VISTA: Pray that we Connect people to Jesus, Grow in Faith, and Serve our King.


Church Ministry Team:                     MUSIC MINISTRY TEAM: We ask that you would fill us with your Holy Spirit and fix our eyes on You in worship as well as our daily lives. May our deepest desire be to dwell in your Holy presence and make Your glory known.                                              


        Pray also for our Military:           Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



June 4, 2017

JUNE 4TH, 2017


FEED MY SHEEP Is today.  We appreciate your donations asthe pantry assistance needs increase during the summer months.  If you forgot items for the wagon, you may make a monetary donation in the jar to help out.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOOL PLANNING/INFORMATION  Meeting will be held Today immediately following the second service in the Chapel. There will be information discussed and you can sign up to help out during that week.

NARTHEX MAILBOXES   The member mailboxes in the narthex have been updated to reflect our new members over the past year.  Your box may have a new location from where it was previously was located.  If you don’t have a mailbox, please let the church office know and we will designate one for you.  Thank you.

HELPING HANDS  Our next day to volunteer is scheduled for Saturday, June 17th. If you are interested in helping out please sign up on sheet in narthex. There is a morning and afternoon shift available.

TO THINK ABOUT:    He who is filled with love is filled with God Himself.

                                                                                                                         - Saint Augustine of Hippo


THE LUTHERAN HOUR  Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM.

“Filled To Overflow!”

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

Isolation, distraction, and pride can lead to spiritual numbness, but Jesus fills us with life that overflows to bless others. (John 7:37-39)





9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Galatians in

            Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.   (No class today because of Memorial Day.)

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class

Simple Quiz:   What is the most used word in English conversations?

 (The, a , or I)  

Answer:  I


The youth are heading to the Samaritan Center to pack SnackPacks for kids THIS TUESDAY June 6th @ 6:00pm. If you would like to join us and help make a difference in our community, please let Cameron know so we can get an accurate count.

NOAH’S ARK TRIP Is scheduled for September 10th-16th. We need FOUR more spots filled to meet the minimum number required to do the trip. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Full payment for the trip is due by July 3rd and checks need to be made payable to Shirley Bernthal. If you have any question please feel free to contact Pat Rader or Shirley Bernthal.



Are you ready for an action packed Vacation Bible School! This years theme is “ Maker Fun Factory”-Created by God, Built for a Purpose.” It is looking like it is going to be a blast and the Education team is asking for your help. If you are interested in what roles are available, check out the table in the Narthex, talk to Cameron, or talk to the Education ministry team and we will get you connected.


Thus there develops in a man a confident defiance of everything upon earth, for he has God and all that is God’s. He does all that he is now required to God, and fears not. On the contrary, where there is no love of God, that heart does not kept God’s word; and if the heart does not keep God’s word, the hand never will.   (Church Postils, Exaudi Pentecost)

TO SMILE:   OneSunday after church a mom asked her very young daughter what the lesson was about.  The daughter answered, “Don’t be scared, you’ll get your quilt.”   Needless to say, the mom was perplexed.  Later in the day, the pastor stopped by for tea and the mom asked him what that morning’s Sunday school lesson was about.  He said, “Be not afraid, thy comforter is coming”.

LIFE QUOTES  “God created man, male and female, for a threefold and trinitarian purpose: To live our lives to His glory, that’s one. To marry if God’swill, that’s two. To have children, that’s three.  Marriage was created by God, not by society nor by government. Marriage is not a sociietal construct. Marriage was instituted by God. Family flows out of this wondrous God-created relationship of one man and one woman who are to live together for a lifetime. As such, they are to live as husbans and wife, seeking God’s blessings which the Lord freely gives.

*Rev. Daniel Domke, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

Difference Between A Believer and A Disciple


Here is something to ponder:  


A believer praises the Lord in good times, the disciple at all times.

The Holy Spirit resides in the believer but shines through the disciple.

A believer loves God with heart and mind, while a disciple commits the will.

A believer loves God and others, but they are the disciple's life.

A believer lives in hope, but for the disciple, God's hope is certain.

A believer seeks forgiveness for sin, but the disciple also determines not to walk that path again.

A believer has faith in God but the disciple's faith is tempered in the fire of testing.

 A believer loves the Lord, but the disciple's love is unconditional.

 The believer serves the Lord in strength, but the disciple is made perfect through weakness.

  God is part of the believer's life, but the central focus of the disciple.

 A believer forgives, but the disciple also forgets.

 A believer communicates with God at their own convenience, but the disciple's heart is open to the Lord at all times. 


While none of us can lay claim to living up to all these principles, all of the time - for we have not yet reached perfection - they can remind us of the direction in which we are to go. But let's try our hardest to make our words and actions mirror images of each other.”              

                                    --  Author unknown



June 4th-June 11th, 2017




Communion                                                     8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                      9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                   9:30am

Communion                                                    10:45am





Cameron’s Day Off

Elder’s Meeting                                                  6:30pm



Education Meeting                            5:30pm

Youth @ Samaritan Ctr. Snack Packing6:00pm

Outreach                                                               6:30pm



News and Notes Due                                     12:00pm

Staff Meeting                                                     12:00pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                          1:00pm



Worship                                                             8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                               9:30am

Worship                                                         10:45am



Circuit Church: GRACE, HOLIDAY ISLAND: Pray for our members to reach out, through God’s Word and serving, to those who need the Lord’s love.

Church Ministry Team:                     HISPANIC MINISTRY TEAM: Pray that God would give our students opportunities over the summer to use the English they have learned.                                     

        Pray also for our Military:           Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



May 28, 2017

May 28th, 2017


CHURCH OFFICES  Will Be closed tomorrow for Memorial Day.  The National Moment of Remembrace is from 3:00-3:05 tomorrow.  Consider taking 5 minutes then to remember those who gave up their lives for our freedoms.

DOOR OFFERING TODAY   Zion Lutheran Church of Avilla in Alexander, AR suffered a devestating fire early Monday morning.  The offices and pantry area and chapel were destroyed.  We are taking a door offering to help them buy new refrigerators and freezers to keep their food pantry ministry open.   Donations to help sustain Zion Lutheran's Food Pantry Ministry may be sent to: Mid-South District, LCMS/1675 Wynne Road/Cordova, TN 38016. Payable to "Mid-South District," designated for "Disaster Relief“

PENTECOST is next Sunday.  We encourage you to to wear red next week.

FEED MY SHEEP is next Sunday, June 4th. We received a huge shipment of food for the pantry from the Postal Office Food Drive that was held a couple of weeks ago. Our greatest need currently are bottles of shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, bars of soap, laundry detergent, and diapers of any size and wipes. These are items that we cannot purchase thru the food bank so donations of these items would be greatly appreciated.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR  Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM.

“The Best Of Things In The Worst Of Times” Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus

As another generation comes along that knows the Lord or what He has done, God enables His people to do the best of things in the worst of times.

(Philippians 1:27)




9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Galatians in

            Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.   (No class today because of Memorial Day.)

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


“Life need not be easy to be joyful. Joy is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ.”

   - William Van der Hoven

SUMMER YOUTH FLOAT TRIP Is happening SATURDAY, JUNE 3RD.  Does the fear of all that summer heat get you down? Come cool off on a float trip here in NWA. Duane Wright will be guiding us down the river for the better part of Saturday. Make sure to bring a lunch and sunscreen. Life jackets and water vessels will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. Contact Cameron or Duane to arrange transport. Please RSVP as space may be limited based on boats available. Open to 6th-12th grade youth.

SNACK PACK FOR KIDS PACKING The youth are heading to the Samaritan Center to pack SnackPacks for kids on June 6th @ 6:00pm. If you would like to join us and help make a difference in our community, please let Cameron know so we can get an accurate count.

SWEET SUMMER STUFF – YOUTH:  This coming THURSDAY, JUNE 1ST kicks off our sweet summer stuff events for the youth. It all begins at the Pullmans home at 5:00pm with a game and BBQ night. Let Cameron know you are coming so we have enough food for everyone and be on the lookout for more Sweet Summer Stuff!

HELPING HANDS   Our next day to volunteer is scheduled for Saturday, June 17th. If you are interested in helping out please sign up on sheet in narthex. There is a morning and afternoon shift available.

MISSION CRAFTS THANK YOU! We were able to put together 70 Scripture books on our recent work day. Thank you so much to those who came and helped, or made a donation for supplies. We have a card rack in the narthex that is an ongoing fundraiser for our activities. Feel free to take a card and then put your donation in the plate on Sunday marked for Mission Crafts. We are always in need of used greeting cards which can be placed in the bin in the narthex.


We have the comfort of this victory in Christ-that he maintains his church against the wrath and power of the devil. The hardest part is that we must see and suffer all things from those who call themselves the people of God and the Christian Church. We must learn to accept these things calmly, for neither Christ nor the saints have fared better. (Church Postils, Exaudi Nos)

FELLOWSHIP GROUP EVALUATION The Education team would like to thank those who are in charge of a Bible study, Ministry team, or Activity group for your service! Cameron and the Education team have been tasked with the evaluation of how many of our members are involved in a fellowship group at Holy Trinity. It is part of a goal within our three year plan. If you could please report to the Education team the names of the members of your group who have attended within the 2017 year we would really appreciate it. Thank you.



Are you ready for an action packed Vacation Bible School! This years theme is “ Maker Fun Factory”-Created by God, Built for a Purpose.” It is looking like it is going to be a blast and the Education team is asking for your help. If you are interested in what roles are available, talk to Cameron or the Ed team and we will get you connected. There will also be a VBS planning and information meeting on JUNE 4th in the Chapel after second service.

LIFE QUOTES  “God has given this walk of life, fatherhood, motherhood, a special position of honor, higher than that of any walk of life under it. He distinguishes father and mother above all persons on earth, and places them next to Himself.”-Martin Luther in the Large Catechism- *A Life Quote from Luterans For Life*- If you want to support Lutherans For Life, you may do so through their web site:


May 28th-June 4th, 2017




Worship                                                               8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                          9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                         9:30am

Worship                                                                10:45am






News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Journeymen Lunch                                              12:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm



Youth Sweet Summer Event BBQ           5:00pm

@ Pullman’s



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                              1:00pm

Cards                                                                6:30pm



Youth Float Trip-All Day



Communion                                                     8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                               9:30am

Communion                                                  10:45am






Circuit Church: CHRIST, SILOAM SPRINGS: Pray that the Lord will bless and prosper the Word and Sacrament ministry at Christ Lutheran in Siloam Springs.


Church Ministry Team:                     FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY TEAM:  Pray for willingness to support our Church needs.                            


        Pray also for our Military:           Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



May 21, 2017


May 21st, 2017

ALL CHURCH ATGWill be held today after the second service. Come join us for an event for every age! There will be games, good food, and a time of study. Your never to old to join in on the shenanigins that we have planned!

BAPTISM TODAY   Today we are pleased to welcome Rosalie Marie Alden into God’s family through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism during the 10:45 service.  Rosalie is the daughter of Clell and Rachel Alden.  Her sponsors and god-parents are Nick and Casey Chastain and Ed and Jennifer Winant.

PASTOR BERNTHAL’S BIBLE STUDY POTLUCK   is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, the 23rd at noon. Bring something to share and join in on the great food and fellowship as this will be the last Bible study before we take a break for the summer.

SPECIAL THANK YOU To Connie and David Heintz, Karen Launderville, Leyland and Dolores Hermes who helped unload and sort over 70 bags of groceries that we received from the Postal Office Food Drive.  This huge task could not of been done without your assistance and we certainly appreciate your help!    ~Kim & Krista~

THE LUTHERAN HOUR    Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM.

“Comfort In The Spirit Of Our Sights”

Speaker:  Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

To be the people of God created us to be, we must be connected to His power, to His word, by His Spirit.. (John 14:15-21)




9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Galatians in

            Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.  

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


CHURCH OFFICES will be closed next Monday, May 29th for Memorial Day.

TO THINK ABOUT:  “If you witness to anyone about Christ, it will have to be while you are on earth.”

GRADUATES  Congratulations to Jacob Byrd who graduated from Rogers’ New Technolgy High School on Wednesday and Courtney Gutche who graduated from Bentonville High School on Saturday morning.  We pray that God will richly blessings on the future.   Please let the church office or Pastor Besel know if youor your student is graduating from High School or College this year. 

BABY BOTTLES   We are again supporting Loving Choices this year as they help people choose life instead of abortion.  Take a Baby Bottle home, fill it with change (or dollars or checks), and bring it back by Father’s day.  

SUMMER YOUTH FLOAT TRIP Is happening on June 3rd.  Does the fear of all that summer heat get you down? Come cool off on a float trip here in NWA. Duane Wright will be guiding us down the river for the better part of Saturday. Make sure to bring a lunch and sunscreen. Life jackets and water vessels will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. Contact Cameron or Duane to arrange transport. Please RSVP as space may be limited. Open to 6th-12th grade youth.


The youth are heading to the Samaritan Center to pack SnackPacks for kids on June 6th @ 6:00pm. If you would like to join us and help make a difference in our community, please let Cameron know so we can get an accurate count. 

SWEET SUMMER STUFF – YOUTH:  Are you ready for summer? Throughout the summer on Thursdays we will have various activities and it all starts June 1st at 5:00pm with a game and BBQ night at the Pullmann house. Let Cameron know you are coming so we have enough food for everyone and be on the lookout for more Sweet Summer Stuff!


For you can point me to no true saint who prayed, depending on his own worthiness, and did not rely upon God’s promises, be he Peter, Paul, Mary, Elijah, or anyone else. All of them have been unworthy. I would not give a nickel for all the prayers of a saint if he prayed because of his own worthiness!  (Church Postils, Rogate)


The Education team would like to thank those who are in charge of a Bible study, Ministry team, or Activity group for your service! Cameron and the Education team have been tasked with the evaluation of how many of our members are involved in a fellowship group at Holy Trinity. It is part of a goal within our three year plan. If you could please report to the Education team the names of the members of your group who have attended within the year 2017 we would really appreciate it. Thank you. 

MISSION CRAFTSWould like to thank whomever it was that gave a sizeable donation recently to Mission crafts. We were desperately in need of supplies to make scripture books so it was a Blessing to receive this gift. Thank you from my heart.      ~Mary Girshner~



Are you ready for an action packed Vacation Bible School! This years theme is “ Maker Fun Factory”-Created by God, Built for a Purpose.” It is looking like it is going to be a blast and the Education team is asking for your help. If you are interested in what roles are available, talk to Cameron or the Ed team and we will get you connected. There will also be a VBS planning and information meeting on JUNE 4th in the Chapel after second service.

LIFE QUOTES  “We cannot be uncreated, unforgiven, unaccepted, unreconciled, unbaptized, unjustified, or uncalled anymore than Jesus can be unborn, uncrucified, or unresurrected. His rising again and ascending into Heaven ensures that His cross atonement will align and assimilate everything, and sooner into Christ’s kingdom of forgiveness through Holy Baptism.”  -Rev. Jonathan Conner, Zion Lutheran Church, Manning, Iowa – If you want to support Lutherans For Life, you may do so through their web site:


May 21st-28th, 2017



Communion                                                      8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                          9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                         9:30am

Communion                                                        10:45am

All Church ATG Immediately

Following Second Service



Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Staff Meeting                                                 12:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm





Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin & Clarion                     1:00pm



Worship                                                           8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                               9:30am

Worship                                                         10:45am



Circuit Church: HOLY TRINITY, ROGERS: Pray that God will bless our summer as we SPREAD God’s Grace, GROW in Christ. And CARE for others.

Church Ministry Team:                     YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM:  Pray for encouragement for all youth as they finish the school year. Pray for strength for those who have graduated and are preparing for college.                             

        Pray also for our Military:           Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



May 14, 2017

May 14th, 2017



HAPPY MOTHERS DAY  to all of our wonderful and beautiful Mother’s. Enjoy your very special day and make sure you hug a Mother or grandmother today and tell them thank you !! 

FEED MY SHEEP  Last Sunday was truly blessed with your monetary donations and canned food items. With summer approaching we will have an increase in the number of families that use our pantry, Thank you !

CHURCH TREASURER’S OFFICE  The volunteer position has been filled. Thank you to everyone that inquired. Our Church is truly blessed to have such wonderful volunteers !

Campus CONNECTion  Thank you SO much to those of you who support Campus CONNECTion!  Thank you to our church members who regularly pray for our college students!  Thank you as well to Barbara Raleigh, Jenny Sevick, Shirley Bernthal, Mary Hartwig, Jan Emmons, and Shirley Lewis for baking homemade goodies for our students this semester.  Care packages were sent to our college students this week - just in time for finals - and our students appreciated them VERY much!


THE LUTHERAN HOUR    Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM.

“To Know God Look To Jesus”

Speaker:  Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

To be saved by Jesus Christ is not religion—it is reliance upon God’s grace, God’s doing, and God’s amazing love for you. (John 14:1-14)





9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Jonah in Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.  

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


GRADUATES   Please let the church office or Pastor Besel know if youor your student is graduating from High School or College this year.  Congratulations.

BABY BOTTLES FOR LOVING CHOICES   We are again supporting Loving Choices this year as they help people choose life instead of abortion.  Take a Baby Bottle home, fill it with change (or dollars or checks), and bring it back by Father’s day. 

ALL CHURCH ATGHave you ever wondered what it is like at a youth event but feel that you have outgrown those kinds of shenanigans? Well no more! Join us on SUNDAY, MAY 21st right after second service for a youth event of all ages! There will be crazy games, good food, and a time of study.

GIRLS LUNCH OUT Will be taking place next Thursday, May 18th at the Doubletree Hotel beginning @ 11:30am. We had such a nice, fun time last month at the Doubletree we are going back this month so please sign up on sheet located on bulletion board in Narthex !

SUMMER YOUTH FLOAT TRIP Is happening on June 3rd.  Does the fear of all that summer heat get you down? Come cool off on a float trip here in NWA. Duane Wright will be guiding us down the river for the better part of Saturday. Make sure to bring a lunch and sunscreen. Life jackets and water vessels will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. Contact Cameron or Duane to arrange transport. Please RSVP as space may be limited based on boats available. Open to 6th-12th grade youth.

SWEET SUMMER STUFF – YOUTH:  Are you ready for summer? Throughout the summer on Thursdays we will have various activities and it all starts June 1st at 5:00pm with a game and BBQ night at the Pullmann house. Let Cameron know you are coming so we have enough food for everyone and be on the lookout for more Sweet Summer Stuff!


The kingdom of Christ is not to be a government constitutes and organized in worldy fashion by human wisdom, power and might, but a government of the Holy Spirit, or a spiritual kingdom, in which Christ rules invisibly and not with external bodily power, through the Word alone, which the Holy Spirit will preach and thereby work in the hearts of men.

(Church Postils, Cantate)


Will be held May 19th-21st. Registration deadline is May, 14th. The retreat will explore how God makes himself known to us through our five senses. Sessions will include God’s gift of music, God’s handiword in the heavens, essential oils used in the Bible, pleasing tastes and aroma, and much more. Participants can stay Friday and Saturday night in the bunkhouse cabins or drive up during the day. Women can learn more or register online at the camp website, lutheran, or call the camp office at 501-652-6304. No one will be turned away because of cost.

LIFE QUOTES  “As the Church of God it’s time we rightly extolled the vocation of motherhood, and it’s time we finally saw the resplendent majesty concealed terein. There is no greater vocation on earth for it’s God’s chosen means to bring children into this world and, likewise through parents, to bring children into Christ’s kingdom of forgiveness through Holy Baptism.”

-Rev. Jonathan Conner, Zion Lutheran Church, Manning, Iowa – If you want to support Lutherans For Life, you may do so through their web site:




(Answers from Second Graders)


Why did God make mothers?

1.  She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.

2.  Mostly to clean the house.

3.  To help us out of there when we were getting born.


How did God make mothers?

1.  He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.

2.  Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.

3.  God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He Just used bigger parts.




May 14th-21st, 2017



Worship                                                            8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                          9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                         9:30am

Worship                                                                10:45am



Clarion Information Due                                Noon

Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm  

District Pastor’s Conference @             Mon-Wed  

DeGray Lake State Park



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm

Choir Rehearsal                                                       6:30pm

Praise Group Rehearsal                                      7:30pm



Girl’s Lunch Out @ Doubletree               11:30am



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                              1:00pm



Communion                                                    8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                               9:30am

Communion                                                  10:45am

All Church ATG Following

Second Service


Circuit Church:  MESSIAH, PEA RIDGE:  Pray FOR God’s continued presence, guidance and blessings.


Church Ministry Team:                           FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY TEAM:  Pray for God’s to raise up a new leader to replace Andrea Shepherd


Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



May 7, 2017

May 7th, 2017



CONFIRMATION SUNDAY  Today we have five young people who will confirm their faith in Jesus.  The testimony hour and reception will begin around 9:30 in the sanctuary.  The Rite of onfirmation will take place during the 10:45 service.  Our confirmands are:  Camiran Mae Brockhoff (Daughter of Kevin and Trisha Brockhoff),

Madeline Nicole Dodge (Daughter of Steve and Cathy Dodge), Liam Pierce Scott (Son of Charles and Natalie Scott), Conner Maxwell (Max) Winters(Son of Alan and Nicci Winters), and Evan Duane Wright(Son of Duane and Amy Wright).   Please keep them in your prayers and encourage them as they walk with Jesus, our Good Shepherd.

FEED MY SHEEP Is today and the donation wagon is out in the Narthex. All contributions both monetary and food wise are appreciated greatly !

CHURCH TREASURER’S OFFICE  Is needing a volunteer to come in once a month and file paid bills. If you are interested in helping out please contact the Church office and we will pass along information to the treasurer’s office.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR    Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM.

“The Abundant Life Of Grace”

Speaker:  Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

Don’t leave God’s grace behind! We are still sheep who need the Good Shepherd. (John 10:1-10)





9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Jonah in Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.  

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class



It is as if he wanted to say to us: Dear man, when fear, sorrow, and temptation amd tribulation come, doubt not, despair not. It is only for a little time. When these are over, then follow their fruits, peace, and joy.

(Church Postils, Jubilate)

SPECIAL PRAYERS AND REQUEST By the family of Grace Bombe. My 23 yearold granddaughter suffered kidney failure 2 years ago and is in desperate need of a kidney. If you or you know someone who would be willing to donate a kidney please contact me @ 479-372-2181. Thank you for your prayers.                                ~~ Grace Bombe~~

GIRLS LUNCH OUT Will be taking place next Thursday, May 18th at the Doubletree Hotel beginning @ 11:30am. We had such a nice, fun time last month at the Doubletree we are going back this month so please sign up on sheet located on bulletion board in Narthex !

ALL CHURCH ATGHave you ever wondered what it is like at a youth event but feel that you have outgrown those kinds of shenanigans? Well no more! Join us on SUNDAY, MAY 21st right after second service for a youth event of all ages! There will be crazy games, good food, and a time of study.

LIFE QUOTES  “What do we share with tha unmarried, pregnant college freshman who is ashamed and afraid and sees only one way out! We share that she is loved and forgiven and not forsaken because she is created, redeemed, and called.”

*Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb. Former Executaive Director of Lutherans For Life* -A Life Quote From Lutherans For Life-If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:


Will be held May 19th-21st. Registration deadline is May, 14th. The retreat will explore how God makes himself known to us through our five senses. Sessions will include God’s gift of music, God’s handiword in the heavens, essential oils used in the Bible, pleasing tastes and aroma, and much more. Participants can stay Friday and Saturday night in the bunkhouse cabins or drive up during the day. Women can learn more or register online at the camp website, lutheran, or call the camp office at 501-652-6304. No one will be turned away because of cost.

SUMMER YOUTH FLOAT TRIP  is happening on May 27th. Does the fear of all that summer heat get you down? Come cool off on a float trip here in NWA. Duane Wright will be guiding us down the river for the better part of Saturday. Make sure to bring a lunch and sunscreen. Life jackets and water vessels will be provided, but feel free to bring your own. Contact Cameron or Duane to arrange transport. Please RSVP as space may be limited based on boats available. Open to 6th-12th grade youth.


First things belong to God.

The first day of the week belongs to God.

The first hour of the day belongs to God.

The first portion of your income belongs to God.

When you make God first, He can help you.

-- James MacDonald


Standards of Faithfulness

(resurrected from very faded copy so not 100% faithful)

What if members were to apply the same standards of faithfulness to their worship as to the other areas of their life?

If your car starts one out of three days, would you consider it faithful?

If your paper boy skips the Monday and Thursday editions, would they be missed?

If you fail to come to work two or three times a month, would your boss consider you faithful?

 If your refrigerator quits working every now and then, would you excuse it saying, “Oh well, it works most of the time?”

If your water heater greets you with cold water one or two mornings a week, would it be faithful?

If you miss a couple of mortgage payments in a year’s time, would the mortgage holder say, “Oh, well, ten out of twelve isn’t bad.”

If you miss worship once or twice a month, are you faithful?  Does not the Lord’s household suffer just as your own would from any indecision or sporadic activity?


May 7th-May 13th, 2017


TODAY-Confirmation and Feed My Sheep

Communion                                                     8:00am

Confirmation Testimony/Reception        9:30am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                          9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                         9:30am

Communion & Confirmation                    10:45am



Council Packet Information Due              Noon

Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm  



Council Meeting                                             6:30pm



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm

Choir Rehearsal                                                       6:30pm

Praise Group Rehearsal                                      7:30pm



Pastor @ Support Group/Eureka        9am-2pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                              1:00pm



Worship                                                           8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                               9:30am

Worship                                                         10:45am



Circuit Church:  FAITH,  HARRISON:  Pray that God would guide and bless the call process.


Church Ministry Team:                           OUTREACH MINISTRY TEAM: Prayers that we will be reminded how special others are and to be able to make their days a little brighter when we reach out to our community to share God’s love.


Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



April 30, 2017

April 30th, 2017

CONFIRMATION SUNDAY  will be held next Sunday.  The Testimony Hour and Reception will begin at 9:30 in the Sanctuary.  Come and hear the Confirmands give a testimony of their faith in Jesus.  The Rite of Confirmation and First Communion will then take place during the 10:45 service. 

FEED MY SHEEP   Next Sunday, May 7th, is a Feed My Sheep Sunday.  We invite you to bring some food along for the Pantry when you come to church or to make a financial contribution so food can be purchased from the food bank.  We thank you for supporting this ministry of our congregation to the people of our community.

RIDE NEEDED TO CHURCH   Pastor Besel received a phone call from a lady who lives at Apple Blossom who would like to get a ride to church on Sundays for the 10:45 service.  If you would be able to help, talk to Pastor Besel for her name and contact information.

CHURCH TREASURER’S OFFICE  is needing a volunteer to come in once a month and file paid bills. If you are interested in helping out please contact Reatha Bracht @ for more information.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR    Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM.

“Unadultered Fact”

Speaker:  Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus

The earthly believers knew two things to be true: Jesus performed miraculous works and He rose from the dead. (Acts 2:22-25)




9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Jonah in Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.  

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


POP RECYCLE CONTAINER  The recepticle for recycling cans has been relocated outside life center is now behind the trash bin fence.

HANDBELL CHOIR Currently has a few openings. We are taking in ew members. If you have any musical experience, you can probably ring bells! We have a wonderful group of ladies right now, but guys are welcome too. Rehearsals are held as needed on Sunday mornings between services and we don’t ask for a lifetime commitment, If you are new to our congregation, consider this your personal ovitation! Talk to LeAnn Girshner our music director and organist, or to Christy Lehenbauer, bell director.

ROGERS MAYOR’S PRAYER BREAKFAST    The Prayer Breakfast will be this Thursday  at Cross Church.  Doors open at 6, breakfast is served at 6:30, and the program runs from 7-8:15.  The speaker this year is Marty Burlsworth, brother of Brandon Burlsworth (Movie:  “Greater”).  The Church is a sponsor so we have 8 seats at our table.  As of this last Wednesday, we only have one seats left.   Sign up on the bulletin board in the Narthex or see Pastor Besel to get your tickets.


Therefore let us ever be wise and learn to know Christ well, and to know that in his kingdom thre are only weak and sickly people, and that it is nothing but a hospital wherer the sick and infirm, who needs care, are gathered. Yet there are so few who understands that!”

(Church Postils, Miscericordias Domini)

JOIN US IN MAKING SCRIPTURE BOOKS   Please join us at 1 pm on Wednesday, May 10th,  to make scripture books, so we can share God's Love & Saving Grace with people in our community.  A Thrivent Action Team for these Scripture Books provided the seed money for this project which the ladies of Mission Crafts started several years ago.  They have been well received by the people.  If you have any questions contact Lana Moeller, the project leader at 479-787-5406.

UPDATE ON BENTONVILLE CALL  Faith, Bentonville elected to call as their pastor Rev. Christopher Waldvogel, Associate Pastor, Beautiful Savior, Fargo ND.  Pastor Waldvogel has served his congregation since his ordination in 2008. He has been their Youth Pastor and we pray the Lord blesses his consideration of the two calls he now has.  We encourage you to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide his deliberations so that he may come to a God-pleasing decision. 

LIFE QUOTES  “Let’s whisper and let’s shout the hope of Christ. Let’s bring hope to those who have been deceived by the world to sin against God, themselves, and their child. Let’s help others look forward to the future with great hope and trust in the Lord of life.”    *Sherry Ellis-Executive Director of The Lighthouse Center Of Hope, Iowa Falls, Iowa – If you want to support Lutherans for Life, you may do so through their web site:

The Way of the Lord

The following words were scribbled more than a century ago by a Confederate soldier:

I asked God for strength that I might achieve.  I was make weak that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked God for health that I might do greater things.  I was given infirmity that I might do better things.

I asked for riches that I might be happy.  I was given poverty that I might be wise.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.  I was given life that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for but everything I hoped for.  Despite myself, my prayers were answered.  I am, among men, most richly blessed.

                                    -- “church bulletin bits”


April 30th-May 7th, 2017



Worship                                                            8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                         9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                        9:30am

Worship                                                          10:45am



Cameron’s Day Off

Elder’s Mtg.                                                      6:30pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm  



Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study                   2:00pm

Education Mtg.                                              5:30pm

Outreach (Library)                                       6:30pm



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Staff Meeting                                                 12:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm

Choir Rehearsal                                                       6:30pm

Praise Group Rehearsal                                      7:30pm


Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast                            6:30am

@ Cross Church  



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                              1:00pm

Cards                                                                 6:30pm


Confirmation Breakfast & Rehearsal       9:00am



Communion                                                      8:00am

Confirmation Testimony Hr./Reception 9:30am

Bible Study/Sunday School                         9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                9:30am

Confirmation & Communion                    10:45am                                                  


Circuit Church:  PEACE,         PRAIRIE GROVE: Pray for the Lord’s leadership through their vacancy.


Church Ministry Team:                           EDUCATION MINISTRY TEAM:  ***WAITING TO HEAR FROM CATHY DODGE*****.


Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



April 23, 2017

April 23rd, 2017

TODAY IS A UNITY SUNDAY   There will only be one service at 10:00am. Sunday School and Bible Classes meet at 8:45.  Join us after the service for the Voter’s meeting and a potluck dinner. (Note:  Potluck, not HTY Café.)  The Long-Range Plan will be presented.  You can pick up a copy on the table in the Narthex.

THANK YOU  for everyone who helped with our Holy Week and Easter services.  I truly appreciate all the extra time and efforts that you put in for the music, the Egg Hunt, the Breakfast, etc.   – Pastor Besel

RIDE NEEDED TO CHURCH   Pastor Besel received a phone call from a lady who lives at Apple Blossom who would like to get a ride to church on Sundays for the 10:45 service.  If you would be able to help, talk to Pastor Besel for her name and contact information.

CHURCH TREASURER’S OFFICE  Is needing a volunteer to come in once a month and file paid bills. If you are interested in helping out please contact Reatha Bracht @ for more information.

 THE LUTHERAN HOUR    Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. “A Living Hope for a Dead as Doornails World.”

Speaker:  Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

No matter how hard the world tries to shake our joy and faith, we have an inheritance in Christ that can never be taken away.  (1 Peter 1:3-9)





9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Jonah in Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.  

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


TO THINK ABOUT“Our old history ends with the cross; our new history begins with the resurrection.”

   ~ Watchman Nee

THANK YOU  to Cameron Pullmann for many extra hours and work in updating our TVs and video system. 

HANDBELL CHOIR Currently has a few openings. We are taking in ew members. If you have any musical experience, you can probably ring bells! We have a wonderful group of ladies right now, but guys are welcome too. Rehearsals are held as needed on Sunday mornings between services and we don’t ask for a lifetime commitment, If you are new to our congregation, consider this your personal ovitation! Talk to LeAnn Girshner our music director and organist, or to Christy Lehenbauer, bell director.

ROGERS MAYOR’S PRAYER BREAKFAST    The Prayer Breakfast will be on Thursday, May 4, at Cross Church.  Doors open at 6, breakfast is served at 6:30, and the program runs from 7-8:15.  The speaker this year is Marty Burlsworth, brother of Brandon Burlsworth (Movie:  “Greater”).  The Church is a sponsor so we have 8 seats at our table.  As of this last Wednesday, we only have two seats left.   Sign up on the bulletin board in the Narthex.


And when he thus stands within our hearts, we at once hear his loving voice saying to the trouble conscience; Peace, there is no danger; your sins are forgiven and blotted out, and they shall harm you no more.”

(Church Postils, Quasmodogeniti)

LIFE QUOTES  “The human race was ‘hand-made’ by the most creative designer possible: GOD. We were made in HIS IMAGE with His very BREATH within us! We are truly are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’.

(Psalm 139:14).” *Lynette Auch, President of Lutheran For Life*

-A Life Quote From Luterhan For Life-

If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site: 

7 Ways Satan Tries to Destroy the Church - By Ron Edmondson

1. Church Conflict

Satan loves business meetings that get out of hand or when two church members have disagreements outside of church. He loves when church members argue about trivial things, such as colors of the carpet or big things, such as whether to add another service. Doesn’t matter to him. Show him a good argument potential and he’s willing to stir the fire.

2. Burnout

Satan loves to burn out a church volunteer, staff member, or pastor. If he can make them feel they are no longer needed, their work is not appreciated, or that they no longer have anything to offer…he feels he’s winning part of the battle.

3. Rumors

Satan is the stirrer of dissension. He likes to plant little seeds of a juicy story, about someone in the church or community…sometimes even the pastor or staff…and watch them quickly spread through a church congregation or community. The version, of course, usually grows to a larger portion than reality. Satan likes that too.

4. Busyness

Satan loves to distract church goers with a plethora of activity that produces little results in Kingdom-building.

5. Lies

Satan attempts to interject what he calls a “half-truth”; just a hint of false doctrine and then watch it disrupt or divide a body. Of course, we all know that half-truth is really just a cleaned up version of a bold face lie, but Satan is clever enough to disguise a lie in a way where false teachers gain entry and do damage before being discovered.

6. Scandal

Satan loves a good, juicy, gossipy news headline in the local paper. If it will split, divide or destroy a church body…even better. If it will destroy someone’s Kingdom calling or work…he’ll take that too.

7. Marriage and family disruptions

Satan loves to destroy any relationship, but he also goes after key leader’s marriages; even the pastor’s marriage. He likes to encourage prodigal children. He wants to cause families to fight within the church and fight with the church. Satan knows if he can destroy a home, he has a better chance of destroying a church.


April 23rd-29th, 2017




Bible Classes/Sunday School                         8:45am

Handbell Choir                                                        8:45am

Worship & Communion                            10:00am

Voter’s Meeting & Potluck Dinner         11:30am



Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm  



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm

Choir Rehearsal                                                       6:30pm

Praise Group Rehearsal                                      7:30pm


Pastor @ Support Group/Eureka         9am-2pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin/Clarion                           1:00pm



Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                                10:45am      


Circuit Church:  SALEM, SPRINGDALE: Ask the Lord to give us a renewed excitement for ministry andmission.

 Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



April 9, 2017

April 9th, 2017


PALM SUNDAY TODAY The service will begin in the Narthex and we will process into the Sanctuary as part of the service.



7:00am- Sunrise Service With Communion

8:15am- Easter Breakfast

9:30am- Easter Egg Hunt/Education Hour

9:30am- Handbell Choir

10:45am-Easter Celebration Service With Communion


EASTER CANDY WANTED  Just a reminder that TODAY is the last day to turn in Easter candy that will help fill the plastic eggs for our little ones. Leave your donations with Cameron, Cathy Dodge, or Eric Kerr. Thanks to all who have already donated.  

EGG STUFFING ‘PARTY’  Want to help the Education Ministry team prepare for the upcoming Egg hunt? We will be ‘stuffing’ the eggs on Thursday April 13th @ 5:30pm before the Maundy Thursday service that evening. We will have pizza for the volunteers so please RSVP to Cameron so we can get a count for the pizza order. The Egg Hunt is scheduled for EASTER SUNDAY. Thank you for your continued support !

THE LUTHERAN HOUR    Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. “Humble Strength For Eternal Salvation”  Speaker:  Rev. Dr. Gregory SeltzOn Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, not to set up an earthly kingdom but to overcome sin and death—for us.

(Philippians 2:5-11)



9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Jonah in Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.  

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at

2:00pm. – Led by Vern Schaefer

Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


SPECIAL THANKS To those who contributed so generously towards the food pantry this past Sunday. We appreciate your generosity!

JONAH BIBLE STUDY Begins TODAY in Classroom 1A and willbe led by Pam Pickett and is open to everyone in the congregation. There is so much more to the story than Jonah being swallowed by a big fish and spit out. We will look at how Jonah’s behavior isn’t so different than our own sometimes. Please feel free to join us!

MAUNDY THURSDAY  We will be celebrating communion this Thursday at 10:00am and 7:00pm for Maundy Thursday.  We will be continuing the series on the Parables of Lent with the Parable of the Great Banquet.  

GOOD FRIDAY   We will remember the death of Jesus this Friday with a special Tenebrae Service of Darkness at 7:00pm.  The message will be based on the Parable of the Landowner.

EASTER BREAKFAST   Will be served Next Sunday and is our Youth’s annualfundraiser to help support our ministries here, fellowship events, and our trek to the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering.  As usual we ask members of our church to donate the supplies we need to put on the breakfast and you will find the donation slips on a board in the Narthex. Please take what you can andhave the supplies back by or before Good Friday, as we prepare certain things that Saturday.  Thank you for your continued support of our youth group!

CONFIRMATION PARENTS   Just a reminder that grades are ready after our second grading period.  Please schedule a Pastor/Parent/Student conference with Pastor Besel in the near future.  Thanks.


Therefore, he who is under this king cannot be harmed either by sin, death, hell or Satan. As his king who lives without sin and is blessed, so must he be kept forever without sin and death in living blessedness. See such great things are contained in these seemingly unimportant words: “Behold your king!”

 (Church Postils, Advent 1)

LIFE QUOTES  “If you have ever done anything wrong or missed doing something perfectly, then you are not truly perfect, and you are going to die. It would be without God, but Jesus takes that weight and sentence off your record. Onto His own shoulders. Anyone who wants forgiveness from God, peace with Him, Paradise opened—just look at Jesus. Everyone who looks on the Son and believes in Him should have eternal life.” (John6:40)  *Rev.Chris Cordes- St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota*   If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:



“We live and die; Christ died and lived!”                         ~ John Stott

Spread the News!


I simply argue that the cross be raised again

at the center of the marketplace

as well as on the steeple of the church.

I am rediscovering the claim that

Jesus was not crucified in a cathedral

between two candles

but on a cross between two thieves;

on the town garbage heap,

at a crossroad so cosmopolitan

that they had to write His title

in Latin and in Hebrew and in Greek.

At the kind of place where cynics talk smut

and thieves curse and soldiers gamble:

Because that is where He died

and that is what He died about

and that is where Christians ought to be

and what Christians ought to be about.

                               -- George McLeod


April 9th-16th, 2017




Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                          10:45am


Council Packet Information Due                Noon

Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                       6:30pm  


Council Meeting                                                     6:30pm


News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm

Choir Rehearsal                                                        6:30pm

Praise Group Rehearsal                                       7:30pm


Communion                                                           10:00am

Egg Stuffing Party                                          5:30pm

Communion                                                          7:00pm


Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                                  1:00pm

Tenebrae                                                                7:00pm                       


Sunrise Service With Communion               7:00am

Easter Breakfast                                                   8:15am

Easter Egg Hunt                                              9:30am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                         9:30am

Easter Celebration Service                       10:45am

With Communion





Circuit Church:  LIVING SAVIOR, BETHEL HEIGHTS:  Pray that God would guide the outreach of the congregation and the assimilation of new members.


Church Ministry Team:                           OFFICE STAFF: Pray that our hearts are always compassionate to those we serve on a daily basis and that God would bless our outreach to the community through the Food Pantry and Pastor’s Care Fund.


Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.




April 2, 2017

April 2nd, 2017


LENTEN SUPPER  Join us this Wednesday, April 5th from 5:45-6:30pm for a meal before our Wednesday evening service. This week’s meal is pizza and is sponsored by the Elders.  We appreciate Brent Garner for using a thrivent action team to help with the costs of the meal. All donations collected at the meal will be given to the Samaritan Center.

FEED MY SHEEP  is today.  Any donations of money towards food we purchase for the pantry or food donated is greatly appreciated !

PINOCHLE CARDS Will be held this Friday the 7th. Plan on joining us for a fun night of cards and fellowship. Play begins @ 6:30 with a set-up at 6:00pm. Newcomers are welcomed and we play with a double deck and it is suprising what meld we come up with so bring a dessert to share and join in on the fun!

EASTER CANDY NEEDED to share the joy of Easter with the little ones. The education ministry team is looking for candy donations to fill the eggs and donations are needed by April 9th. We are asking for individually wrapped candy that will fit in plastic eggs. Donations can be dropped off at the Church office or with Cameron, Cathy Dodge, or Eric Kerr.

THE LUTHERAN HOUR    Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "Freedom In The Spirit !”

Speaker:  Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

Jesus frees you to be the person you were created, redeemed, and called to be. (Romans 8:1-11)



9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Jonah in Classroom 1A.  (starting next Sunday)

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.  

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


THANK YOU  to everyone who came and helped with the work day yesterday.  We appreciated all you work.  Also, thanks to the Journeymen for lunch and coordinating everything.

CONNECTIONS CLASS  started last Sunday.  There is still time to join this week if you are interested in joining the church or reviewing the basics of our faith.  Pastor Besel leads the class.  It meets in Classroom 1 B at 9:30am.


YOUTH RETURNING FROM YOUNG CHRISTIANS WEEKEND TODAY We will be looking forward to hearing all that happened over the weekend from Cameron and the 17 young adults that attended. The event included worshiping together, studying in seminars, listening to great Christian artists and riding all the rides Silver Dollar City had to offer!! We pray that those who attended developed a closer relationship with God, each other, and made new friendships with others attending from all over.


BIBLE STUDY  Pam Pickett will begin a study of the Book of Jonah next Sunday, April 9th,  for everyone in the congregaton.   There is so much nore to the story than Jonah being swallowed and then spit out by a big fish.  Join us in Classroom 1A as we look at how Jonah’s behavior isn’t so different from our own sometimes. Study will be led by Pam Pickett on Sunday mornings at 9:30am.

CONFIRMATION PARENTS   Just a reminder that grades are ready after our second grading period.  Please schedule a Pastor/Parent/Student conference with Pastor Besel in the near future.  Thanks. 

CONDOLENCES  We offer our Christian sympathy to the family of Ida Bender.  Ida was a shut-in member of our congregation.  She died this last Monday afternoon.  The funeral is planned for this coming Friday at 10 AM at Rollins Funeral Home here in Rogers. 

      We also offer our sympathy to Dave Lehenbauer and his family upon the death of his cousin, Rev. Jack Faszholz, who died this last Saturday.  For Trivia buffs, Pastor Faszholz was also a pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinal organization in the 1950’s.  In 1990 he was inducted into the Rochester Red Wings Hall of Fame with the most victories for a pitcher in the history of that minor league franchise.


EASTER BREAKFAST   Easter is coming up quick and with it, our annual Easter Breakfast fundraiser! This event is put on by the youth of Holy Trinity to support our ministries here, fellowship events, and our trek to the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering.  As usual we ask members of our church to donate the supplies we need to put on the breakfast and you will find the donation slips on a board in the Narthex starting today. Please take what you can and please have the supplies back by or before Good Friday, as we prepare certain things that Saturday.  Thank you for your continued support of our youth group!

PALM SUNDAY NEXT WEEK   Next Sunday we will be celebrating Palm Sunday.  The service will begin in the Narthex and we will process into the Sanctuary as part of the service.  

LIFE QUOTES  “What do we tell you young people as you struggle with temptations and tough choices, mood swings, and confused feelings about your identity? We want you to know whose you are and that you can make good choices because you are created, redeemed, and called..”   *Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former Executive Director of Lutherans For Life*

If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:


Since the Word places before us Christ,it thus places us before him who has triumphed over daeth, sin, and Satan. Therefore he who grasps and retains Christ. Has thus also eternal deliverance from death. Consequently, it is a Word of life, and it is true, that whoever keeps the Word shall never see death. (Church Postils, Judica)


April 2nd-9th, 2017



Communion                                                              8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                  10:45am


Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                       6:30pm  

Elders Meeting                                                        6:30pm


Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study                 2:00pm

Education Meeting                                               5:30pm

Outreach                                                                     6:30pm                 


Lent Service                                                              10:00am

News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Staff Meeting                                                 12:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

Lent Supper                                                                5:45pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm

Lent Service                                                     7:00pm


Pastor’s Day Off

Ida Bender Funeral – Rollins                        10:00am

Assemble Bulletin                                                 1:00pm

Cards                                                                             6:30pm


Private Birthday Party in Life Ctr.             6-10:00pm



Worship                                                                        8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                         9:30am

Worship                                                         10:45am



Circuit Church:  First, Harrison:     Pray for the Spirit to flow through the hearts of God’s people as they reach out to others with the love of Christ.  Pray that the Spirit opens hearts to hear and believe the message of forgiveness and life in our Savior.

Church Ministry Team: Church Officers: Please lift up the officers in prayer. Grant them wisdom and direction and keep them humble and always relying on God to give them the perfect wisdom and direction in evaluating the Church’s needs.

Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



March 26, 2017

March 26th, 2017

LENTEN SUPPER  Join us this Wednesday, March 29th from 5:45-6:30pm for a meal before our Wednesday evening service. This week’s meal is lasagna, salad,  french bread, fruit salad, and dessert and is sponsored by the Journeymen. We appreciate Paul Mayer for using a thrivent action team to help with the costs of the meal. All donations collected at the meal will be given to Soul’s Harbor.

CHURCH WORK DAY This SATURDAY, APRIL 1st from 9:00am-1:00pm. Lunch will be providedfor all workers and there are various projects that we will be working on. Dig out those work gloves and clothes and come help beautify and spruce up God’shouse !!

NEW CONNECTIONS CLASS   With Pastor Besel begins THIS MORNING at 9:30am in Classroom 1B. Come and join us !!  For people interested in joining or have joined.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY   Attention all Guys..We are re-starting our new Bible study TODAY and will be using Rick Warren’s workbook on HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE. This study is open to all men and we will meet in room 6. It will begin promptly at 9:30 with donuts and coffee provided. Come join us as we learn from Rick Warren how we can effectively learn to study the greatest book of all time- The Bible

THE LUTHERAN HOUR    Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "God’s Got It In For Me !”

Speaker:  Rev. Dr. Ken KlausGod can use our troubles and crosses for a higher purpose that we may not understand until we reach heaven.

(John 9:1-41)




9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Mark in Classroom 1A. 

9:30-10:30am – Pastor Besel is leading the Connections Class in Classroom 1B.  

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class

HEARTFELT THANK YOU For your prayers, cards, and support while I have been ill recently. Your kindness has been very appreciated.

                            ~ Frank Hundrieser~

BIBLE STUDY  Pam Pickett will begin a study of the Book of Jonah on April 9th for everyone in the congregaton.   There is so much nore to the story than Jonah being swallowed and then spit out by a big fish.  Join us in Classroom 1A as we look at how Jonah’s behavior isn’t so different from our own sometimes. Study will be led by Pam Pickett on Sunday mornings at 9:30am.

LIFE QUOTES  “Let’s whisper and let’s shout the hope of Christ. Let’s bring hope to those who have been deceived by the world to sin against God, themselves, and their child. Let’s help others look forward to the future with great hope and trust in the Lord of life.”   *Sherry Ellis, Executive Director of the Lighthouse Center of Hope, Iowa Falls, Iowa*  If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:


Christ is the first to be concerned about the people, as to what they shall eat, and asks Philip, before they complain or ask him; so we may indeed let him care for us, remembering that he cares more and sooner for us than we do for ourselves.

(Church Postils, Laetare)

Plaque:  I asked Jesus “How much do You love me?”  “This much,” He answered.  Then He stretched out His arms and died.

STUCK IN THE SEQUEL   What a fantastic day it was to be stuck watching 10 of the hardest movies to watch, ever!  And what awesome support we received with a combined total of online and in the plate donations of $1737.00.  Every cent of that will be going to feed hungry kids right here in our community.  Thank you to all who tuned in and watched the stream and a big thanks to all who donated to SnackPacks for Kids.  They are a fantastic ministry and are worthy of our support.  God Bless!

EASTER BREAKFAST   Easter is coming up quick and with it, our annual Easter Breakfast fundraiser! This event is put on by the youth of Holy Trinity to support our ministries here, fellowship events, and our trek to the 2019 LCMS National Youth Gathering.  As usual we ask members of our church to donate the supplies we need to put on the breakfast and you will find the donation slips on a board in the Narthex starting today. Please take what you can and please have the supplies back by or before Good Friday, as we prepare certain things that Saturday.  Thank you for your continued support of our youth group!


"When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present....we experience heaven on earth."

        ….Sarah Breathnack




A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners.  At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.  He took out a card, wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back and stuck the card in the door.


When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned.  Added to it was this cryptic message, "Genesis 3:10."


Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.


Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock . . . ."


Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked...."


Mar.26th-April 2nd, 2017



Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                          10:45am



Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                       6:30pm  



Lent Service                                                              10:00am

News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Staff Meeting                                                 12:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

Lent Supper                                                                5:45pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                         6:30pm

Lent Service                                                     7:00pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                                 1:00pm



Church Work Day/Lunch Provided        9am-1:00pm



Communion                                                              8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                 10:45am



Circuit Church: Bella Vista:     Pray that we Connect people to Jesus. Grow in our Faith, and Serve our King.

Church Ministry Team: Journeymen: Ask that God would give us guidance as we reach out to men in our Church and our community, and that the Holy Spirit would open men’s hearts to the grace we have through Jesus.

Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



March 19, 2017

March 19th, 2017


LENTEN SERVICES  continue on Wednesday at 10 AM and 7 PM with the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

 LENTEN SUPPER  Join us this Wednesday, March 22nd from 5:45-6:30pm for a meal before our Wednesday evening service. This week’s meal will be from Chick-Fil-A and is sponsored by the Youth Ministry Team. We appreciate Casey Bolte for using a Thrivent Action Team to help with the costs of the meal. All donations collected at the meal will be given to the Samaritan Center Snack Pack Program.

MENS BIBLE STUDY   Has just completed their study on Prayer and are beginning a new class on “ How To Study The Bible.”  Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. in room six.

SPRING BREAKPlease pray for safety and travel mercy for our families that will be traveling during Spring break.

SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISHES   To Nona Coppinger who turns 82 on Tuesday, March 21st.   She is still at Innisfree Nursing & Rehab, 304 S 24 St., Rogers 72756.   She looks forward to any cards or visits from people at Holy Trinity!!


Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "A Well That Runs Deep Because You Need It !”

Speaker: Dr. Gregory Seltz

Jesus is determined to meet you today with water of grace only He can give.

(John 4:5-26)





9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Mark in Classroom 1.    

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled “Believing God.”


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class

WORK DAY COMING  Mark your calendars and plan to join us on April 1.  The Journeymen and Trustees are joining forces for a work day here at the church.  There are many jobs including landscape work and painting.  Lunch will be provided.

CONNECTIONS CLASS   Pastor Besel is considering starting a new Connections Class next Sunday, March 26.  The class will meet on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour (9:30-10:30) .  The class will meet in Classroom 1 B.  The class is for people who want to join Holy Trinity, or as an orientation class for new members, or for people who want to review the basics of our Christian faith.  If you are interested in this class, please sign up on the bulletin board in the hall by Pastor’s office.   There are extra copies of the flyer and tentative class schedule for those interested.


From this it follows that where the finger of God does not cast out the devil, there the devil’s kingdom still exists; where Satan’s kingdom still exists, there the kingdom of God cannot be. The unaviodable conclusion then is that, as long as the Holy Spirit does not enter our hearts, we are not only incapable of any good, but are of necessity in the kingdom of Satan.

(Church Postils, Uculi)


“It has been estimated that 99% of the things you worry about never happen.  And most of the things that do happen, happen so quickly that you never have time to worry about them in the first place.”  - Brian Tracy


“God loves each of us as if there was only one of us. “      - St. Augustine

TRIP TO ISRAEL   Have you had the desire to go to the Holy Land? A trip is being put together by Pam Pickett to go to Israel! The details are not all set but we will be going March 20th-29th, 2018 for 9 days plus/minus travel days.  I am in the planning stages so the exact itinerary is not set but all of the major sites will be included. I know the first question you will have is, what is the cost?  An estimate at this time is $3,500 per person.  This will include, airfare, ground transportation, hotels (4 star hotels), food, site fees, tips – everything except travel insurance and personal shopping purchases.  If this number changes it will go down, not up.  For example, the larger the group the cheaper the price.   If you are interested in going on the trip please let me know.  I am gathering a list of people who have interest in order to work with the tour company to finalize prices.  I would like to keep this to about 20 people.   This will be a teaching tour, at each site we will tie in everything we see to the Bible.  My goal is to deepen your personal relationship with God, by coming closer through the land and people of Israel.   Thank you, Pam Pickett pamsue27@gmail.com479-601-2550.

LIFE QUOTES  “You might think you’ve made mistakes that can’t be forgiven, you’ve been broken beyond repair, you’ve been lost in the eyes of the world. But God has loved you so deeply that He created you, He redeemed you, and He called you to new life through that same Holy One of Israel. Live this new life of faith to the glory of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit today and forever. Amen.”   *Rev. Paul J. Frank, Hosanna Lutheran Church and School, Mesa, Arizona –  If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:

Redeemed Through Jesus Christ


He leadeth me – He leadeth me,

A long lost sheep I used to be.


He took me in with such gentle care

Life’s door is openI enter there.


Glory to God for making the way

Salvation is mine, no debt to pay.


Praise Him – Praise Him, I say the most,

Praise Father, Praise Son, Praise Holy Ghost.


                -- Nona Coppinger



Mar.19th-Mar. 26th, 2017



Communion                                                              8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                  10:45am



Cameron’s Day Off




Circuit Pastors Mtg. @ Holy Trinity         9:00am

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study Class         2:00pm



Lent Service                                                              10:00am

News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Mission Crafts                                                         3:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

No Confirmation Class (Spring Break)      4:30pm

Lent Supper                                                                5:45pm

Lent Service                                                                7:00pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                                 1:00pm



Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Connection Class Begins                                  9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                        10:45am



Circuit Church: Grace, Holiday Island:  Please pray for our invited guests and visitors that the Holy Spirit warms their hearts so that the saving message of Jesus enters and changes their lives.

Church Ministry Team: Sunday School Team:  Please pray for our Sunday School program, our teachers, and for continued growth.

Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



March 12, 2017

March 12th, 2017



WELCOME   This morning we are welcoming into our congregation Charles and Natalie Scott and their children Holland and Liam during the 10:45 service.  We are receiving them by transfer from Peace Lutheran Church in Texarkana, Arkansas.  We are also welcoming Bruce Pilcher by Reaffirmation of Faith during the 8:00 service.

 LENTEN SUPPER  Join us this Wednesday, March 15th from 5:45-6:30pm for a meal before our Wednesday evening service. This week’s meal will be homemade chili with all the fixin’s and is sponsored by the Music Ministry team. All donations collected at the meal will be given to the Office of Human Concern in Rogers.

GIRLS LUNCH OUT Is scheduled for March 16th at Mimi’s at the Promenade beginning at 11:30am. Sign up sheet is in the Narthex so sign up and come join us for a great time of food, and fellowship !!

MENS BIBLE STUDY   has just completed their study on Prayer and are beginning a new class on “ How To Study The Bible.”  Join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. in room six.


Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "The Power of a New Beginning!”  Speaker: Dr. Gregory Seltz

Real help comes to us from the outside. In Christ, new beginning and greater endings are still possible.

(John 3:1-17)




9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Mark in Classroom 1.    

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study on “How to Study the Bible” in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class 

WORK DAY COMING  Mark your calendars and plan to join us on April 1.  The Journeymen and Trustees are joining forces for a work day here at the church.  There are many jobs including landscape work and painting. Lunch will be provided.

FEED MY SHEEP Thank you to everyone that made a donation to the pantry last Sunday. We appreciate your generosity !

CONNECTIONS CLASS   Pastor Besel is considering starting a new Connections Class at the end of this month.  He is looking at two options, one on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour or secondly, on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM.  The class is for people who want to join Holy Trinity, or as an orientation class for new members, or for people who want to review the basics of our Christian faith.  If you are interested in this class, please sign up on the bulletin board in the hall by Pastor’s office.  Mark if you are interested in Sundays or Thursdays.  If both will work for you, please check both.  He will make a decision by next week if there is enough interest to have a class.

LIFE QUOTES  “What do we teach our little children so that when they are older, sexual promiscuity and abortion will be unthinkable? They are very special because they are created, redeemed, and called.”

*Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former executive director of Lutheran For Life*

 If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:


TO THINK ABOUT … Christ died – that’s history.  Christ died for us – that’s Christianity.  Christ died for me – that’s salvation.

TRIP TO ISRAEL   Have you had the desire to go to the Holy Land? A trip is being put together by Pam Pickett to go to Israel! The details are not all set but we will be going March 20th-29th, 2018 for 9 days plus/minus travel days.  I am in the planning stages so the exact itinerary is not set but all of the major sites will be included. I know the first question you will have is, what is the cost?  An estimate at this time is $3,500 per person.  This will include, airfare, ground transportation, hotels (4 star hotels), food, site fees, tips – everything except travel insurance and personal shopping purchases.  If this number changes it will go down, not up.  For example, the larger the group the cheaper the price.   If you are interested in going on the trip please let me know.  I am gathering a list of people who have interest in order to work with the tour company to finalize prices.  I would like to keep this to about 20 people.   This will be a teaching tour, at each site we will tie in everything we see to the Bible.  My goal is to deepen your personal relationship with God, by coming closer through the land and people of Israel.   Thank you, Pam Pickett pamsue27@gmail.com479-601-2550.


Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments,  trust God.
Every moment, thank God.


But, oh how painful it is to nature reason, that this Canaanite woman shoud strip herself and forsake all that she has experienced, and cling alone to God’s bare Word, until she experienced the contrary. May God help us in time of need and deathe to possess such courage and faith!

(Church Postils, Reminscere)

Someone Who is For You

Some years ago, David Seamands, a Kentucky pastor, told a group of ministers who he had counseled a young woman who was dying.  She was not a church member.  In fact, she had lived rather loosely, even shamefully, and she knew it.  Now that death was staring her in the face, she was feeling guilty.  Dr. Seamands listened as she sobbingly confessed her sins to her.  When it appears she was finished, the pastor said to her in a very gentle manner, “I want you to know that God is not against you for your sins.  God is for you against your sins.”


Mar.12th-Mar. 19th, 2017



Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                          10:45am




Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                                6:30pm



Council Mtg.                                                              6:30pm



CLARION INFO DUE                                        12:00pm

Lent Service                                                              10:00am

News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Staff Meeting                                                             12:00pm

Mission Crafts                                                         3:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

Lent Supper                                                                5:45pm

ESL(Classroom 2)                                                   6:30pm

Lent Service                                                                7:00pm



Pastor @ Support Group/Eurkea     9am-2pm

Girl’s Lunch Out@ Mimi’s                  11:30am



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                                 1:00pm



Communion                                                              8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                  10:45am 


Circuit Church: Christ, Siloam Springs:  Pray that the Lord continues to Connect people to Christ, and help us grow in our faith challenges, and Service to the King.

Church Ministry Team: Music Ministry Team:  Take the Music Ministry and use all for Your glory, Lord. Please strengthen and preserve us to finish the season of Lent with our hearts and minds focused on You as we present our humble offering to You. Thank You for Your sacrifice, love and grace.

Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



March 5, 2017

March 5th, 2017


FEED MY SHEEP Is today. Food items or money donations are greatly appreciated to help those in need in our communities.

ATTENTION ALL YOUTH  Today is SUNDAY FUNDAY !!  Following Sunday study and Church, we will grab lunch and hit up the new Glow Golf at the Promenande Mall. Costs will be covered so don’t miss out!

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BEGINS  next Sunday, March 12th. Don’t forget to spring forward and move your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night.

LENTEN SUPPER  Join us this Wednesday, March 8th from 5:45-6:30pm for a meal before our Wednesday evening service. This week’s meal is soup and sandwiches and is sponsored by the Card group and the Fellowship Ministry team. All donations collected at the meal willbe given to the Women’s Shelter. Church members will be using their Thrivent action teams to cover the cost of some of the meals.


Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "A Savior Who Fights For You!”

Speaker: Dr. Gregory Seltz

Satan is a bully, but Jesus is the Savior who fights for you.

(Matthew 4:1-11)



9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Mark in Classroom 1.    

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study in Prayer in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class

WORK DAY COMING  Mark your calendars and plan to join us on April 1.  The Journeymen and Trustees are joining forces for a work day here at the church.  There are many jobs including landscape work and painting. Lunch will be provided.

STUCK IN THE SEQUEL EVENT FOR YOUTH Will be happening this Saturday the 11th from 9am-9pm. Last year Jesse Carey, a writer and podcaster for Relevant magazine, watched Nicolas Cage movies for 24 hours straight, all for charity. This year Holy Trinity Youth up the ante to support SNACK PACK, a program of Samaritan Center. While Cage movies is impressive we are going to face a real challenge; direct to home Disney sequels for 12 straight hours. You can support us by checking out the Church website for a link to our live stream of the event and donate to the charity, you can stop in and encourage us as we suffer through and maybe watch some with us; and you can donate on Sundays throught the plate. Snack pack provides food to children who get very little food over the weekend. Help us support this great ministry.   

ADDITIONAL READERSAND VIDEO VOLUNTEERS NEEDED  For Sunday Services. We need help with reading in the 8:00am services and video help in both services. If you are interested please contact the Church office. Thank you for your considering to help out.

LIFE QUOTES  “We are carved in the palm of his Hand, and the unborn child has been carved in the Hand of God from conception.” Mother Teresa

*A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life*

 If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:

TRIP TO ISRAEL   Have you had the desire to go to the Holy Land? A trip is being put together by Pam Pickett to go to Israel! The details are not all set but we will be going March 20th-29th, 2018 for 9 days plus/minus travel days.  I am in the planning stages so the exact itinerary is not set but all of the major sites will be included. I know the first question you will have is, what is the cost?  An estimate at this time is $3,500 per person.  This will include, airfare, ground transportation, hotels (4 star hotels), food, site fees, tips – everything except travel insurance and personal shopping purchases.  If this number changes it will go down, not up.  For example, the larger the group the cheaper the price.   If you are interested in going on the trip please let me know.  I am gathering a list of people who have interest in order to work with the tour company to finalize prices.  I would like to keep this to about 20 people.   This will be a teaching tour, at each site we will tie in everything we see to the Bible.  My goal is to deepen your personal relationship with God, by coming closer through the land and people of Israel.   Thank you, Pam Pickett pamsue27@gmail.com479-601-2550.


God’s Math

The best mathematical equation I have ever seen:  1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given

That’s the whole gospel message simply stated.


This is written for our comfort, that we may know that many angels minister also to us, where one devil attacks us; if we fight with a knightly spirit and firmly stand, God will not let us suffer want, the angels of heaven would sooner appear and be our bakers, waiters, and cooks and minister to all wants(Church Postils, invocabit)



  1. Annual Spring work weekend will be March 24th-26th. Volunteers are needed to do all kinds of clean up and sprucing up. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Meals and lodging are free. Contact camp director at if interested in helping out.

 2. The second annual Women’s retreat is scheduled for May 19th-20th. For details or to register, visit the Lutheran Camp website @

 3. Mature high school students who desire to serve God by serving others are encouraged to consider Applying to become counselors-in-training at the camp. CIT’s will assist cabin counselors and other staff during camp sessions of younger campers. To learn more or request an application please email


Mar.5th-Mar. 12th, 2017



Communion                                                              8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                  10:45am




Cameron’s Day Off

Elder’s Meeting                                                       6:30pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                                6:30pm



Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Study                      2:00pm

Education Meeting                                               5:30pm

Outreach (Library)                                              6:30pm



Lent Service                                                              10:00am

News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Mission Crafts                                                         3:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

Lent Supper                                                                5:45pm

ESL(Classroom 2)                                                   6:30pm

Lent Service                                                                7:00pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                                 1:00pm



YOUTH STUCK IN THE SEQUEL               9am-9pm



Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                              10:45am                                               



Circuit Church: Holy Trinity, Rogers: Pray that God will guide our long-range planning process as we explore ways to SPREAD God’s Grace, GROW in Christ, and CARE for others.

Church Ministry Team: Hispanic Ministry Team:  Pray that God would draw the people He chooses, both students and teachers, to this ministry and that it would continue to be fruitful.

Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy


1 Comment

February 26, 2017

FEBRUARY 26th, 2017


FEED MY SHEEP Is next Sunday, March 5th. Food items or money donations are greatly appreciated to help those in need in our communities.


LENT BEGINS THIS WEEK WITH ASH WEDNESDAY   The theme for our special Lenten services this year is “The Parables of Lent.”  Each week we will be looking at one of Jesus’ parables to see Him and His Passion.  This Wednesday we start with the Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector from Luke 18:9-14.  Our services will be at 10 AM and 7 PM each week.  There will be a Lenten Supper each week to support a local ministry.  This week our Ash Wednesday service will feature the Imposition of Ashes for those desiring ashes and the Lord’s Supper.


PINOCHLE Is scheduled for this Friday, March 3rd beginning at 6:30pm. Come join in on the fun, food and great fellowship !! New players are always welcome.


ATTENTION ALL YOUTH March 5th is SUNDAY FUNDAY !!  Invite your friends to Sunday study and Church, from there we will grab lunch and hit up the new Glow Golf at the Promenande Mall. Costs will be covered so bring as many friends as you like !!


Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "Guilt’s Gone!”

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus

A guilty conscience accuses; a forgiving Savior brings peace to troubled hearts. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)



9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Mark in Classroom 1.    

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study in Prayer in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class

WORK DAY COMING  Mark your calendars and plan to join us on April 1.  The Journeymen and Trustees are joining forces for a work day here at the church.  There are many jobs including landscape work and painting. Lunch will be provided. 

ADDITIONAL READERSAND VIDEO VOLUNTEERS NEEDED  For Sunday Services. We need help with reading in the 8:00am services and video help in both services. If you are interested please contact the Church office. Thank you for your consideration in helping out.



As if he said, Look into my heart and see that I do all willingly, freely, and cheerfully, in order that it may not terrify nor shock you when you shall now soon see how I must suffer.  (Church Postils, Quinquagesima)


LIFE QUOTES  “Yes even in the eye of the storm when everything seems turned on its head, we can live L.I.F.E.  (Live in Faith Everyday).”

Lynette Auch, President of Lutherans For Life-*A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life* If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:




In meditation, prayer and praise

I celebrate my Lenten Days

In preparation to arise

When dawn first lights the Easter skies.

Dear Lord, in this quiet hour,

Give me Your strength, Your love, Your power,

Then, I, too shall be reborn

Renewed, refreshed, on Easter morn!

                                  -- Florence A. Hawn



 1. Take advantage of a FREE night of lodging in our cozy family cabin . Cabin accomodates a family of five and has its own kitchenette. Any night when events aren’t happening is open. Call to check available dates @ 501-652-6304.


 2. Annual Spring work weekend will be March 24th-26th. Volunteers are needed to do all kinds of clean up and sprucing up. Breakfast and lunch will be served. Meals and lodging are free. Volunteers staying either Friday or Saturday night can also enjoy a campfire with singing and smore’s. Contact camp director at if interested in helping out.


 3. The second annual Women’s retreat is scheduled for May 19th-20th. For details or to register, visit the Lutheran Camp website @


 4. Mature high school students who desire to serve God by serving others are encouraged to consider applying to become counselors-in-training at the camp. CIT’s will assist cabin counselors and other staff during camp sessions of younger campers. To learn more or request an application please email





One Sunday morning an old cowboy entered a church just before services were to begin. Although the old man and his clothes were spotlessly clean, he wore jeans, a denim shirt and boots that were very worn and ragged. In his hand he carried a worn out old hat and an equally worn out Bible.


The church he entered was in a very upscale and exclusive part of the city. It was the largest and most beautiful church the old cowboy had ever seen. The people of the congregation were all dressed with expensive clothes and accessories.  As the cowboy took a seat, the others moved away from him. No one greeted, spoke to, or welcomed him. They were all appalled at his appearance and did not attempt to hide it.


As the old cowboy was leaving the church, the preacher approached him and asked the cowboy to do him a favor. ' Before you come back in here again, have a talk with God and ask him what he thinks would be appropriate attire for worship.'


The old cowboy assured the preacher he would.  The next Sunday, he showed back up for the services wearing the same ragged jeans, shirt, boots, and hat. Once again he was completely shunned and ignored.  The preacher approached the man and said, 'I thought I asked you to speak to God before you came back to our church.'  'I did,' replied the old cowboy.


'If you spoke to God, what did he tell you the proper attire should be for worshiping in here?' asked the preacher.  'Well, sir, God told me that He didn't have a clue what I should wear. He said He'd never been in this church before.'




Feb. 26th-Mar.5th, 2017




Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                          10:45am



Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                                6:30pm



Communion Service                                            10:00am

News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Staff Meeting                                                             12:00pm

Mission Crafts                                                           3:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

Lent Supper                                                                5:45pm

ESL(Classroom 2)                                                   6:30pm

Communion Service                                              7:00pm



Youth Ministry Team Mtg.                              5:30pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                                 1:00pm

Cards                                                                             6:30pm



Communion                                                              8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                              10:45am

YOUTH SUNDAY FUNDAY                                             


Circuit Church:

Messiah, Pea Ridge: Pray for the Lord’s blessings in all of our ministries.

Church Ministry Team:

Financial Stewardship Ministry Team:    Pray for strength, guidance, and wisdom over each team member as they serve during the 2017 year.

Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.


1 Comment


February 19, 2017

FEBRUARY 19th, 2017


WHERE’S PASTOR BESELPastor and Shirley Besel are in Texas this weekend as they celebrate the third birthday of their grandson Conner.  They will be returning Monday evening.  If you are in need of Pastoral care, please contact Pastor Bernthal.


SPECIAL THANK YOU To the volunteers who served at Helping Hands yesterday. Helping Hands is very appreciative and grateful for your help !



Where this word is not, there is no salvation, and great works or holy lives avail nothing, for with this, that he says, “they shall be saved,” since they have not the Word; he forcibly shows enough, that not their works but their faith in the Word alone save.  (Church Postils, Sexagesima)


ALTAR FLOWERS   If you have signed up to place flowers on the altar any given Sunday you are welcome to take them home with you after the late service. Otherwise members may come by and pick them up on Monday and possibly use at a grave site, take to a shut-in, take to someone in the hospital, etc. After Mondays flowers are thrown away and we would like for them to go to a good cause if someone has a need for them as the bouquets are always pretty for several days after Sunday.  




Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "Love Your Enemies-Jesus Does!”  Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz

God calls us to love and forgive our enemies the way He loves and forgives us. (Matthew 5:38-48)






9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Mark in Classroom 1.    

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study in Prayer in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class



WORK DAY COMING  Mark your calendars and plan to join us on April 1.  The Journeymen and Trustees are joining forces for a work day here at the church.  There are many jobs including landscape work and painting.

LUTHERAN CAMP ON PETIT JEAN Is looking for an experienced school cafeteria cook to run the kitchen during summer camp. This is for the months of June and July. It works best if the cook stays on site, but they would consider someone who commutes. The camp can provide housing apart from the youth cabins. Most sessions run Sunday afternoon through Friday afternoon, or from Sunday supper through Friday lunch. The cook will have two college-age assistants. This is a good opportunity for someone who is not working in the summer and looking for a way to serve God by serving His children. If you know of anyone who fits the bill contact David Cox at

if interested in this position.


LIFE QUOTES  “Why do we speak up for those in the womb who cannot speak? Because they are created, redeemed, and little ones whom God wants to call.”

Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former Executive Director of LutheranLutherans For Life-

*A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life*  If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:


TO THINK ABOUT …  “Ever since the days of Adam, man has been hiding from God and saying, ‘God is hard to find.”  - Fulton Sheen (Catholic Bishop, 1895-1979)

I Am MY Church


My church is composed of people like me.

We make it what it is.

It will be friendly, if I am.

Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.

It will do great work, if I work.

It will make generous gifts to many causes,

    if I am a generous giver.

It will bring other people into its worship and

    fellowship, if I bring them.

It will be a church of loyalty and love, of

    fearlessness and faith, and a church with a

    noble spirit, if I, who makes it what it is,

    am filled with these traits.

Therefore, with the help of God,

 I shall dedicate myself to the task of being

    all the things I want my church to be.

      -- Unknown



A “Bill of Rights” for the Church


What might a church body assume are the rights of each church member?  Here are a few suggestions:


1.      The right to be a full participant in the worship and activities of the congregation.

2.      The right to expect safety and respect in the church.


3.      The right to help decide the goals and mission of the church.

4.      The right to decide one’s own stewardship – time, talents and resources – without coercion.

5.      The right to know the contents of every church document and every decision of church leaders.

6.      The right to know about all the financial matters of the church, including the budget, any savings accounts, church debts, salaries, church endowment funds, and any other special funds.

7.      The right to have private personal matters kept private.  Any confidential matters and all conversations with the pastor are kept strictly undisclosed.

8.      The right to receive the ministries of the church when needed.  During illness, bereavement, personal anguish, family disorders and other problems there should be support and guidance.

9.      The right to have your family members educated in the Bible, Christian theology, and ethics.

10.  The right to share one’s gifts and graces as part of the choir, musical groups, and other groups and ministries within the congregation.

(adapted from the Newsletter Newsletter)



Feb. 19th-26th, 2017   


Communion                                                              8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                 10:45am

Pastor Besel on Vacation thru Monday                                                 



Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                                6:30pm



Circuit Pastor’s Mtg. at Bella Vista     9am-2:00pm



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Mission Crafts                                                           3:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

ESL(Classroom 2)                                                   6:30pm                                 

Choir Rehearsal                                              6:30pm

Praise Group Rehearsal                               7:30pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin & Clarion                                           1:00pm



Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                                 10:45am



Circuit Church:

Faith,  Bentonville:  Pray that God would guide and bless the call process during their vacancy.


Church Ministry Team:

 Youth Ministry Team:  Pray that God would bless the “Stuck in the Sequel” fundraiser for Snack Packs on March 11.


Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.





February 12, 2017

FEBRUARY 12th, 2017


FEED MY SHEEP   We appreciate all of the generosity that has been shown each month towards the pantry and helping those in need in our communities. Thank you so much for your donations this past Sunday!


GIRLS LUNCH OUT  Will be held this coming Thursday, February 16th @ Olive Garden.  Sign up sheet in Narthex. Come join us for some great fellowship and food !


CHOIR AND PRAISE GROUP REHEARSAL Will NOT be practicing this Wednesday, the 15th. Our next scheduled rehearsal will be the 22nd.


SPECIAL THANK YOU to everyone for the cards and prayers during my Mom’s illness and passing.         ~Lana Moeller and Family~ 



So the substance of this Gospel is that no mortal is so high, nor will ever ascend so high, who will not have occasion to fear that he may become the very lowest. On the other hand, no mortal lies so low or can fall so low, to whom the hope is not extended, that he may become the highest. Here all human merit is abolished and God’s goodness alone is praised.

(Church Postils, Septuagesima)


Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "Here’s To Life!”.

Speaker: Dr. Gregory Seltz.

Even as the world becomes a meaner, angrier place, God calls us to share His life with others.

(Deuteronomy 30:15-20)





9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Mark in Classroom 1.    

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study in Prayer in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class

HELPING HANDS  Volunteer day for Holy Trinity is scheduled for this coming Saturday, February 18th. It’s not to late to sign up to volunteer.   If you can help out the sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex.


Is looking for an experienced school cafeteria cook to run the kitchen during summer camp. This is for the months of June and July. It works best if the cook stays on site, but they would consider someone who commutes. The camp can provide housing apart from the youth cabins. Most sessions run Sunday afternoon through Friday afternoon, or from Sunday supper through Friday lunch. The cook will have two college-age assistants. This is a good opportunity for someone who is not working in the summer and looking for a way to serve God by serving His children. If you know of anyone who fits the bill please cotact David Cox-Lutheran Camp director @


LIFE QUOTES  “What dwells and develops in pregnant wombs is no clump of cells, product of conception, parasite, piece of mother;s body, or potential anything. This little one is a full-fledged human being, made in the image of God and saved by the incarnationof Jesus Christ, to whom the Holy Spirit shows grace and in whom He creates faith. She is our neighbor and, God willing, His beloved child-a dear sister to us.”

Rev. Micheal W. Salemink, Executive Director of Lutherans For Life

 *A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life*

 If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:



As Valentines’ Day passes this year, we felt the following Resolutions might be appropriate in reaffirming your love for your special Valentine.



Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Couples


In an article appearing in Associated Content, Sally Albright suggests that the new year is a good time for couples to be reminded of some simple but powerful ways to strengthen their relationships. To that end, she presents her Top Ten New Year's Resolutions for Couples:



#10: Exercise TogetherExercising together as a couple can make getting more exercise fun, and you and your spouse can truly have a "healthy" relationship.


#9: Cook TogetherCooking dinner together is a great way to spend time together.


#8: Play Games TogetherTake the time to have some fun with your spouse by playing games together — especially in the colder winter months. 


#7: The Little ThingsSometimes, it's the littlest of things that really matter. Something as simple as setting the coffee machine to brew in the morning or opening the car door for your spouse can really show how much you care.


#6: Get RomanticThe types of romantic gestures you do really depends on what your spouse considers to be romantic, whether it be bouquets of flowers or cuddling together and watching a football game on TV. 


#5: ListeningTruly listen. Keep in mind that your spouse isn't always in search for answers and may not want to receive advice. They just want your ears all to themselves. 


#4: Fewer ArgumentsMake a New Year's resolution to argue less. Pick your battles wisely. Most importantly, learn to compromise. 


#3: ComplimentsTaking the time to compliment your spouse shows them that you do still love them, you appreciate them, and you still find them attractive. Surprise your loved one with compliments during appropriate times, such as when they dress up for a dinner out, do a job well done, or the way they handled your child's misbehavior. 


#2: DatesA little alone time with your spouse can be all that you need to feel reconnected with them. Having a special date night at the end of the week can give you and your loved one something to look forward to. 


#1: Saying I Love YouSay it often, say it with meaning. A simple I Love You can melt someone's heart.


                       THIS WEEK AT HOLY TRINITY

Feb. 12th-19th, 2017



Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                                 10:45am



Council Packet Information Due       12:00pm

Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                                6:30pm



Council Mtg.                                       6:30pm



March Clarion Information Due12:00pm

News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Mission Crafts                                                           3:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

ESL(Classroom 2)                                                   6:30pm                                 



Pastor @ Support Group/Eureka           9am-2:00pm

Girls Lunch Out/Olive Garden                     11:30am



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                                 1:00pm



Helping Hands Volunteer Day                      8:00am-4:00pm

Pastor on vacation thru Monday



Communion                                                            8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                 10:45am



Circuit Church: Peace,          Prairie Grove: Pray for the Lord’s leadership through their vacancy.


Church Ministry Team: Fellowship Ministry Team: Thanks are given for the prayers from the members of Holy Trinity that lend continued support and love for our fellowship. As in, 1 Corinthians 13:14, May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.


Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.



January 29, 2017

January 29th, 2017


DIRECTORY UPDATE REMINDER  Please submit your form to be included in the 2017 Church directory. Forms need to be mailed in or can be brought to the Church office by February 3rd. If you need a form there are extra copies available on the giving center counter. Thank you for your help in getting our new directory together.


PINOCHLE:   We will play cards this Friday, February 3.  Bring another couple or friend and plan on a fun night .  Oh, yes bring a treat to pass and a drink if you don't care for coffee, water or lemonade to go along with your snack. Setting up will begin at 6 pm & play begins at 6:30 pm.



For it is the great characteristic and power of faith to see what is not visible, and to not see what is visible. Therefore God bestows faith to the end that it should deal not with ordinary things, but with things no human being can master, as death, as sin, the world, and Satan.  (Church Postils, Ephihany 4)


FEED MY SHEEPIs scheduled for next Sunday February 5th. We appreciate all of the generosity that has been shown each month towards the pantry and helping those in need in our communities.



Today on KURM (790AM) at 12:30 and The Bott Radio Network at 8AM on 89.3FM. "Our Foolishness, His Faithfulness”. Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus. Many consider Christ’s cross to be just so much foolishness. That is the worst foolishness of all.

(1 Corinthians 1:18-31)





9:30-10:30am – Pam Pickett is leading

            Study of Mark in Classroom 1.    

9:30-10:30am – Dave Lehenbauer

is leading a study in Prayer in Classroom 6.

9:30-10:30am – Women’s Bible Study entitled Believing God.


Monday  2nd & 4th Mondays at


Rotating Hostesses:  Herb &

Shirley Bernthal, Spike & Delores

Hermes, Joe & Barbara Raleigh,

Maxine Reihman, & Betty Jensen – Led

By Vern Schaefer


Tuesday 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 2:00 pm

Pastor Bernthal’s Bible Class


ALTAR FLOWERS  There are still several Sundays open if you would like to sponsor flowers for our altar.  The cost is $60 for both bouquets or $ 30 for one.  This cost includes tax. Please sign up on the flower chart in the hallway near the restrooms.  We then ask you to put the money in the offering – marking it “altar flowers.”

MISSION U  Has been rescheduled for Saturday, February 11th at Holy Trinity from 9:00am-2:00pm.  This free seminar is entitled “’Equipping To Share: Tough Questions.”  Participants will learn how to classify, identify, and get to the root of tough questions and objections to Christianity, and practice giving sensitive and relevant answers that point to the Savior, suing messages of “Law” and “Gospel” as appropriate.  Lunch will be provided. Childcare is available with prior arrangement.  Call the Church office to register or sign up on the bulletin board in the Narthex.  In order to get lunches ordered, we ask that you contact the Church office no later than Tuesday, February 7th.


SR. HIGH linkT RETREAT Will be held February 10th-12th @ Camp Petit Jean. It is going to be an awesome Jesus filled weekend. Weekend speaker will be Dr. Jacob Youman and the theme will be “CREATE”. (Ephesians 2:10) Please pray for all those attending.


LIFE QUOTES  “Our unyielding belief that ‘every single life matters’ means that pro-lifers are immune to the eugenics temptation which rears its ugly head in many guises and which is always on the prowl for more victims. Why do you matter, I matter, we all matter ? Just….because…we…are.”

Dave Andrusko, National Right to Life-A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life- If you want to support this ministry, you may do so through their web site:

HELPING HANDS February 18th is our next scheduled date for Holy Trinity to volunteer at Helping Hands. If you can help out the sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex.



+ + + IN MEMORIAM + + +


Robert (Bob) Walter Beck was born on April 22, 1930 to Walter and Edith Beck in Hinton, Iowa.  He was reborn through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism on June 8 of the same year at Trinity Lutheran Church in Hinton.  He reaffirmed his Christian faith through the Rite of Confirmation at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sioux City, Iowa on December 14, 1952.  On November 22, 1960, he was united to Eva Jean LaSeur in Holy Matrimony at Berdesford, South Dakota.   Bob worked as a machinist for Bystrom Brothers in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  After 37 cold winters in Minnesota, he retired and brought his bride to their dream home in Garfield, Arkansas.  He was an active member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and a member of FOE.  Upon retirement he enjoyed sharing his train set with great-grandchildren creating things from wood and clothespins.  Bob loved animals and spent evenings enjoying the hummingbirds and feeding “Foxy” off the back deck.  He always had a joke ready to make you laugh.  His love for family and friends will be cherished and missed.  Bob Beck died on January 20, 2017 at the Circle of Life Hospice Home in Bentonville, Arkansas at the age of 86 years, 8 months, and 29 days.   He was preceded in death by his parents, by his sister Dolores, and by his brothers Ronald and Larry.   He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Eva Jean of Garfield; by his son Ed and his wife Anne; by his grandchildren, Zachariah and his wife Vanessa, Yancey and his wife Michelle, Amy, Ashley and her husband Josh; and by nine great-grandchildren, Lucy, Franky, Theresa, Owen, Bryce, Noah, Jackson and Sarah.  His body was laid to rest in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection of the body and life everlasting this last Monday at Benton Country Memorial Park in Rogers.

                      THIS WEEK AT HOLY TRINITY

January 29th-Feb. 5th, 2017



Worship                                                                      8:00am

Bible Classes/Sunday School                        9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Worship                                                                 10:45am



Cameron’s Day Off

ESL (Classroom 2)                                                6:30pm



Youth Basketball Practice/Life Ctr.          6:00pm



News and Notes Due                                           12:00pm

Staff Meeting                                                             12:00pm

Mission Crafts                                                           3:00pm

ATG                                                                           4-7:00pm

Confirmation Class                                                4:30pm

Choir Rehearsal                                                       6:30pm

ESL (Classroom 2)                                                  6:30pm                                 

Praise Group Rehearsal                                      7:30pm



Youth Ministry Team Meeting         5:30pm



Pastor’s Day Off

Assemble Bulletin                                                 1:00pm

Cards                                                                             6:30pm



Communion                                                            8:00am

Bible Study/Sunday School                            9:30am

Handbell Choir                                                       9:30am

Communion                                                         10:45am



Circuit Church: St. John, Fayetteville: Pray that God would guide the outreach of the congregation and the assimilation of new members.


Church Ministry Team: Education Ministry Team: Pray that we may grow together as a new team and encourage the leaders of our children to be positive influences and role models for them.


Pray also for our Military; Especially Jake Button, who is in the National Guard, and Andy Boyd who is in the Air Force.  Also remember, Shawn Gibson, son of Harry and Ann Gibson, serving in the U.S. Navy.
